My West Wing Box Set is pretty!
Pretty awesome, that's what it is. Check it:
Libellés : television
[My West Wing Box Set is pretty!]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.8.08 { 1 comments }
Interesting sights around Singapore
These two photos were taken from the same van... .jpg) A very boring company...  Double Wong, Double Wrong Double Double Toil and and Trouble...  Nassim Park, a secret garden in the midst of Singapore... with a locked magnetic card reader key. Talk about modern fairytales! Libellés : photography, singapore
[Interesting sights around Singapore]
Sngs Alumni @ 15.8.08 { 0 comments }
The Uncomfortable Truth
The years pass, and I find myself growing more and more understanding of where people come from, and what makes them tick. This does not mean, of course, that I am any less impatient with stupidity and ineptitude. Neither does this mean that I am proud of this fact; just that I am also learning about myself as the time moves onward (and my age upward.)
God's been speaking quite loudly of late, and I'm very grateful and thankful for that. There are things that need to be done, and they will be done, but all things in His time and power. As I learn more about who God is, my world shrinks to black and white - we complicate things with the grey, but there are only truly two ways to live -with God, or rejecting God.
This is an uncomfortable truth.
This is an uncomforting truth.
But it is the truth. The Truth. The only thing that matters when the world passes away - stand before God, and it is the only question that matters - do you know Him? Have you followed Him? Have you obeyed His commands as far as you are able, without excuses, without justification, without reasons, without anything else?
These are the only questions that will matter.Libellés : christian
[The Uncomfortable Truth]
Sngs Alumni @ 13.8.08 { 0 comments }
The love of travelling
My mother was a Malaysian, and as a result of her nationality, I spent most of my childhood holidays en route to places with strange-sounding names, like Batu Gajah, Ipoh, Taiping, Perak, and Butterworth (whose name afforded many afternoons of childhood musing.)
My acceptance of travelling as a way of life grew from that, I suppose. There was always another world out there, just beyond the border - or, in my case, the causeway (whose name still affords many afternoons of grown-up musing.) Travelling was simply a thing that you could do, and quite affordably if you didn't mind some occasional discomfort.
From the acceptance of travelling as a way of life grew the love of travel - it became a puzzle, something to work out. How can one get from Point A to Point B in the cheapest way possible, while visiting Point C, D, and E located in between, and within 3 days? It's a challenge to fit it all in, and I've learnt a lot about what I prioritise in life because of these perpetual exercises - for example, I'd give up a good meal anytime for a packet of sandwiches, if it means I can save money for London theatre tickets at The Globe. I'd give up the upgrade to the air-conditioned train if it means I get to spend more money buying trinkets at Malaysian pasar malams.
All these feed into my absolute joy at hearing excited stories from SX who just returned from a hard-won trip to Leipzig, Germany.
The happiness of poring over the quintessential LP guidebook, the joy at finding accurate maps, the wonder at the scenery and architecture of a foreign city, the excitement of figuring out train times and ticket prices, the curiousity when meeting new friends from foreign lands, the awe that grows when you see your bros and sisters worshiping God together, the amazement when you find out that you read the same crappy websites, the agony of eating bread and butter to save money, the slight fear at not being able to afford it all when you come back and pay it off... ...but above all, the absolute delight in enjoying God's creation.
Grief shared is grief halved, and joy shared is multiplied exponentially. I am so glad that my absolute glee at travelling is now multiplied manifold.Libellés : church, travel
[The love of travelling]
Sngs Alumni @ 7.8.08 { 0 comments }