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<meta name="AUTHOR" content="Little Pink Soap Dinosaur">
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<p align=center class="name"> little pink soap dinosaur
<p align="center" class="words">don't knock it till you've tried it.</p>
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currently reading</p>
<b> The e-ASEAN Agenda</b>
<br> Work in progress by LMA
<br><i> currently reading and re-reading and writing in the book.</i>
<p class="sidetitle">
latest review</p>
<a href="http://geocities.com/arbitrarysign/blog/reviews.html" title="InfoTech in Asia review!">
<b>Information Technology In Asia:
<br>New Development Paradigms</b></a>
<br>ed. Chia S.Y.
<br>& Lim, J.J.
<br><a href="http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/gettitle.cfm/ID/32454" title="get the book here!" target="_new"><img
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<br><a href="http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/" title="just wait till next season." target="_new">
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Well. The old archives are available at the side of this page, so this page is a little redundant.<br><br> I'll think about what to put here later. :)
<td> </td>
<title>about the dinosaur</title>
<meta name="AUTHOR" content="Little Pink Soap Dinosaur">
<meta name="description" content="nonsensical ramblings and random bitching">
<meta name="keywords" content="soap, dinosaurs, nonsense, bitching, sheryl crow">
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<img src="bloggertemplate43_bracket_left.gif" width="45" height="110" align="middle">
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/arbitrarysign/blog/SherylCrowBabe.bmp">
<p align=center class="name"> little pink soap dinosaur
<p align="center" class="words">don't knock it till you've tried it.</p>
<img src="bloggertemplate43_bracket_right.gif" width="45" height="110" align="middle">
<table align=center width=500>
<td align=center">
<P class="bigwords" align="center"><u>my bio</u></p>
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i am</p>
<pre class="words">
a christian
a female
a twenty-something
a nokia user
a singaporean
a habitual complainer
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i study</p>
<pre class="words">
the bible
the Internet
my friends
some books
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i play</p>
<pre class="words">
the guitar
with food
with the computer
with my hair
with the idea of keeping two fighting fish
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i work</p>
<pre class="words">
hard at my studies
my guitar during worship practice
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i love</p>
<pre class="words">
my family
long personal email
friends who bother about me but don't bother me
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
i hate</p>
<pre class="words">
people who don't do their work and try to shove it off on others
in other words, slackers
sheer stubborn stupidity
arrogant scholars
<P class="bigwords" align="center">
some people</p>
<pre class="words">
have asked me
why 'little pink soap dinosaur'
i have
yet to
tell them
<title>Raves about Waves</title>
<meta name="AUTHOR" content="Little Pink Soap Dinosaur">
<meta name="description" content="nonsensical ramblings and random bitching">
<meta name="keywords" content="soap, dinosaurs, nonsense, bitching, sheryl crow">
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<img src="bloggertemplate43_bracket_left.gif" width="45" height="110" align="middle">
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/arbitrarysign/blog/SherylCrowBabe.bmp">
<p align=center class="name"> little pink soap dinosaur
<p align="center" class="words">don't knock it till you've tried it.</p>
<img src="bloggertemplate43_bracket_right.gif" width="45" height="110" align="middle">
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<br><a href="http://www.xanga.com/BlueStars" title="mayQ!" target="_new">BlueStars</a>
<br><a href="http://www.xanga.com/Babymentos" title="poohbear!" target="_new">Babymentos</a>
<br><a href="http://blog.cryptworx.com" title="vicvicvic" target="_new">cryptworx</a>
<br><a href="http://www.duesouth.blogspot.com" title="mayeeeeeee!" target="_new">duesouth</a>
<br><a href="http://www.punkrockelf.com" title="fuzzy!" target="_new">punkrockelf</a>
<br><a href="http://laureltan.blogspot.com" title="Lola!" target="_new">laureltan</a>
<br><a href="http://www.livejournal.com/~kwisties" title="kwistine!" target="_new">kwisties</a>
\\the udders
<br><a href="http://www.whatspace.blogspot.com" title="estee! whom i don't know at all! but who cares?"
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<br>ed. Chia S.Y.
<br>& Lim, J.J.
<br><a href="http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/gettitle.cfm/ID/32454" title="get the book here!" target="_new"><img
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<p><b><u>Information Technology In Asia: New Development Paradigms ed. Chia S.Y. & Lim, J.J.</u></b></p>
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<b>Just written for me.</b>
<p><a href="http://katze.maybetomorrow.org" title="the katzewoman!" target="_new">Nurul</a> says that this book should have featured my face on it; the way that everything seems to just be written for me. Every single chapter is useful to my thesis; I find myself dipping in and out of the book, and I get great quotes all the time!
<p>I'm especially intrigued by Chapter 3: ICT Industry Development and Diffusion in Southeast Asia - this features a new way of measuring ICT Industry Development and Diffusion, and it's a very specific index, tailored to SE Asian countries. Really helpful addition to two indices I'm using in my thesis already - the <a href="http://www.cid.harvard.edu/cr/pdf/gitrr2002_ch02.pdf" title="the Harvard Networked Readiness Index PDF file" target="_new">Harvard Networked Readiness Index</a> (which measures indices across 76 countries all over the world), and the e-ASEAN IBM e-readiness index, which is specific to ASEAN countries only, but is unavailable in anything other than its' <a href="http://www.e-asean.info/reports.html" title="e-asean e-readiness report" target="_new">too-generic executive report.</a>
<p> <b>List of chapters:</b>
<p><b>Chapter 1</b> - The Challenges of Information Technology: Introduction
<br><i>Jamus Jerome Lim</i>
<br><b>Chapter 2</b> - Information Technology in SEA: Engine of Growth or Digital Divide?
<br><i>Kenneth L. Kraemer and Jason Dedrick</i>
<br><b>Chapter 3</b> - ICT Industry Devt and Diffusion in SEA
<br><i>Wong Poh-Kam and Annette Amy Singh</i>
<br><b>Chapter 4</b> - Social and Political Impacts of ICT: How Will They Affect ASEAN's Agenda
<br><i>Hadi Soesastro</i>
<br><b>Chapter 5</b> - Human Capital and IT in Innovation and Growth in ASEAN
<br><i>Rajah Rasiah</i>
<br><b>Chapter 6</b> - E-Commerce in SEA: A Review of Devts, Challenges and Issues
<br><i>Aniceto C. Orbeta, Jr.</i>
<br><b>Chapter 7</b> - Singapore as a Regional IT Hub
<br><i>Toh Mun Heng</i>
<br><b>Chapter 8</b> - Multimedia Super Corridor: Introducung a New Economy in Malaysia
<br><i>Paramjit Singh Tyndall</i>
<br><b>Chapter 9</b> - ICT in Thailand: Initial Steps toward the New Economy
<br><i> Sajulrat Montreevat</i>
<br><b>Chapter 10</b> - Assessing Global E-Commerce Policies: A Perspective from Thailand
<br><i>Somkiat Tangkitvanich</i>
<br><b>Chapter 11</b> - Leapfrogging into the ICT Revolution: The Case of Vietnam and the Transitional Economies
<br><i>Le Dang Doanh</i>
<br><b>Chapter 12</b> - Knowledge-Based Economy and IT: THe Taiwan Experience
<br>Shin-Horng Chen and Meng-Shun Liu</i>
<br><b>Chapter 13</b> - Bangalore: IT Cluster in India
<br><i>R. Venkatesan and Samuel V. Malvea</i>
I mean, was this written for me or <b>what?</b> :)
<hr width="50%" size="1" align="center" color="black">
<p><b><u>Sheryl Crow: C'mon C'mon</u></b> </p>
<p> <a href="http://www.sherylcrow.com" title="she rocks. period."><img src="CmonCmon.jpg" width="150" height="150" align="middle" border="0"></a>
<b>Absolutely fantabulous. </b></p>
<p>I initially hated this album. What happened to my angst-provider? What
happened to all the independent-girl songs? What happened to the hardcore
banging on the guitar?</p>
<p>But then I guess everyone's gotta hang loose once in a while. Contrary
to popular belief, I too, take trips out of my cave to explore the bright
bright world outside. Why just the other day, I was out walking and
met this guy called Plato ... but I digress.</p>
<p>I guess this is Sheryl's "hang loose" CD. It's good to hear
fun songs. But I still await the return of the angst.</p>
<p><u>Tracks to scream to: </u><br>
Steve McQueen <br>
Soak Up The Sun <br>
C'mon C'mon <br>
Hole In My Pocket <br>
Lucky Kid<br>
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<p align="left"><span class="Title">little pink soap dinosaur v.3</span><br>
<span class="subtitle">once, a friend gave another friend a present
for v-day.<br>
on national day that year, an acapella gp was formed to take part in
a school competition.<br>
a name was needed.<br>
enter the dinosaur.</span></p>
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<p class="title">{Saturday, August 02, 2003}</p>
<a name="105983428780144180"> </a><br>{*} <b>What would you do if you had only a year left to live?</b><br /><br />[Warning: slightly rambly post; I think I have the beginnings of a slight flu.]<br /><br />What indeed? This question popped into my head tonight as I was walking home, wondering about -again- life, and what my purpose in it was. Glorifying Jesus, of course - but practically? Like what sort of job should I be gunning for? (For obvious reasons, this question runs through my mind quite often these days. Almost like the refrain from a most irritating song which won't get out of your head.) A conversation with Soojin brought up the notion of God giving us a "sound mind" in which to make decisions by - sort of like God NOT micromanaging our lives by not needing us to ask him permission every time we need to eat or whatever...<br /><br />But anyway.<br /><br />I was walking home, and was thinking of how relieved I would be to finally go Home instead of having to handle this pesky business of living, which sort of explained how responses to terminal illnesses, such as <a href="http://billbright.ccci.org/public/">Bill Bright's</a> response to his illness ("Praise God!"). Then I started to think about terminal illnesses, and how people behaved when they got the news - and what would I do if I were ever in that situation. I think one thing is for sure - I wouldn't be worrying about a job! Somehow, knowing that you have less than a "natural" lifespan's time left to live changes the way you negotiate with the world. <br /><br />If I had one year left to live, I'd ideally like to see myself collecting money and working with <a href="http://www.everystudent.com.sg">Crusade </a>or <a href="http://www.sif.org.sg">SIF </a>or some other agency to build houses and get clean water to people in third world countries. Whether or not I'll actually get down to doing it of course, is a totally different matter. But I think I'd like to do that.<br /><br />What would you do, or like to see yourself do, if you had only one year left to live?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_27_hyperreality_archive.html#105983428780144180">10:24 PM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Friday, August 01, 2003}</p>
<a name="105970790004841535"> </a><br>{*} <b> Food for thought - my munchie for the day</b><br /><br />One odd statement that I've been noticing more and more as I browse the online job banks - "Application without picture will not be entertained." <br /><br />Implication: oh dear.<br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_27_hyperreality_archive.html#105970790004841535">11:18 AM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Tuesday, July 29, 2003}</p>
<a name="105949296293360006"> </a><br>{*} <b> Hi, you're a useless idiot.</b><br /><br />Well. The EDB interview went well. Second round of interviews: my task was was to prepare an impromptu presentation on the question: In light of Singapore's desire to create a knowledge-based economy, what can EDB do to ensure the availability of quality manpower in the manufacturing and manufacturing services industry?<br /><br />No problem; I don't think I was supposed to solve the problem in half an hour, so I did what I could, presented it within the time limit, then sat down to the interview.<br /><br /><br />Bad, bad, bad.<br /><br /><br />Firstly, the main guy didn't listen to my presentation. Not at all.<br />Then, as I sat down for the interview, and it was clear right from the beginning he didn't think me suitable at all.<br /><br />He said that he needed people who were versatile, and who could adapt to things that they weren't familiar with. <br />I pointed out that i was involved in the arts, more than averagely fluent in matters involving information and computing, and am now finding out more about property development because I'm working with CapitaLand. <br />He then implied I was too broad, and didn't know what I wanted to specialise in.<br /><br />I pointed out that I hadn't applied for the job that I was being offered - I had applied for a position in the Media and Communications Development Cluster - but would be able to take up the Resource Development job too if it were available, specialising in telecommunication policy. Then he said I wasn't versatile enough to handle all the EDB departments. <br /><br />Asking about what aspect of the arts I was particularly interested in, I said, "Drama and plays." He then smirked a smarmy smile, sat back and said "You know, I'm also sitting in the council of something-or-other-by-mita. I also like the arts." He then threw me a hypothethical question - so, if I were tasked to set up a creative cluster industry, to make it into a profitable one, and had to spearhead this effort all by myself, could I do it? Of course, I said, given the right people to help me, working with MITA and NAC, I would be more than capable of doing it - all the while thinking in my head: who in his/her right mind would say no to a question like that? (And I'm not lying; I think I could handle a project like that.)<br /><br />He then went off into this long lecture about being versatile (doesn't my academic track record tell you anything?), and EDB having job rotations (again, same point), and blah blah blah... the only thing that I can give him credit for was for sensing that I didn't really want to work for EDB per se; any public sector job would satisfy me. (But hey, the government said not to be so picky right? Heh.)<br /><br />I pretty much gave up after the first five minutes, sat back, and tried to enjoy the interview after that because it was very, very clear he didn't think much of me at all, and was getting quite ticked off with HR for calling me in for the second time. It was rather amusing to see this pile of pretension sit back and congratulate himself for being such a "well-rounded man", involved in the industry, as well as sitting on the arts council's committee-for-something-or-other. My friend suggested that it might have been a game to them - they were purposely being mean and testing how I could respond to their crap - I think I can play mind games, but I don't think I want to work for an organisation which plays this particular genre of mind games. Call me idealistic, fussy, whatever. I don't want to be jaded at 23.5 years old.<br /><br /><br />I left, feelings about this episode rather mixed. Little bit disappointed because of the rejection, but added with a generous dollop of relief - the mind games that they played during the job interview alone was an indication that their management styles are a little bit archaic. And the only thing good that I've heard about EDB is the contacts there that you will make with industry people. And that's only ONE person. EVERYONE ELSE has been telling me that they suck, and that I'm better off without them. This strikes me as rather odd - I had the impression that EDB was one of the better places to work at. But oh well, que cera cera.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_27_hyperreality_archive.html#105949296293360006">11:36 PM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Sunday, July 27, 2003}</p>
<a name="105931302028780922"> </a><br>{*} <b>M-W Word of the Day, 27 Jul 2003. Did you know?</b></><br /><br />Are you someone who always seems to have your head in the clouds? Do you have trouble getting down to the lowly business of earning a living? If so, you may deserve to be labeled a "luftmensch." That airy appellation is an adaptation of the Yiddish "luftmentsh," which breaks down into "luft" (a Germanic root that can be tied linguistically to the English words "loft" and "lofty"), meaning "air," plus "mentsh," meaning "human being." "Luftmensch" was first introduced to English prose in 1907, when Israel Zangwill wrote "The word 'Luftmensch' flew into Barstein's mind. Nehemiah was not an earth-man .... He was an air-man, floating on facile wings."<br /><br /><b>luftmensch</b> \LOOFT-mensh ("OO" as in "foot")\ noun <br />: an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income <br /> <br /> <br /><b>Example sentence:</b><br />"The son ...," wrote American author Irving Howe, "is leaving to be a luftmensch — a starving poet, a painter without pictures, a radical leader without followers." <br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_27_hyperreality_archive.html#105931302028780922">9:37 PM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Saturday, July 26, 2003}</p>
<a name="105915539953439707"> </a><br>{*} <b>All Alone</b><br /><br />And to think I was just discussing with my mother this morning about panopticism and being alone - apparently this poor kid made a home video of himself practising lightsaber moves, but it got digitalised by people in school and distributed over the world wide network. He got teased and humiliated so much that he had to drop out of school (he's a teenager) and finish his semester in a psychiatric ward.<br /><br />Semi-happy ending though - a couple of webloggers <a href="http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,58881,00.html">raised money</a> and bought him and iPod, and a <a href="http://www.petitiononline.com/Ghyslain/petition.html">petition</a> to get him a role in the next Star Wars movie has been started.<br /><br />Read the whole story <a href="http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,59757,00.html">here</a>.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />{*} <b>Aging Far East Kids</b><br /><br />Here's a thought I've been meaning to post up for a while now:<br /><br />The last couple of times I've been to Far East Plaza I've seen a new breed of Far East Plaza-rians. These people look pretty, dress pretty pretty, are young and hip. The ladies wear their jeans on their hips with a vengeance, the men look like they just stepped out of NS. Seeing them walking together from behind, all togged out in the latest gear, you'd mistake them for a JC/Uni couple just out for a Sunday poke through the stores.<br /><br />Until you get to an escalator, and watch them struggle a little to get their bulky pram onto the escalator step without tipping its precious contents out onto the basement floor.<br /><br />Whatever happened to the 'pai kia' sort of (but not necessarily so) kids who hung out there? Aren't shops like 77th Street catered more for the neon-wearing, spike-sporting, bellybutton-piercing sort of generation? Isn't the new Level 1 of Far East Plaza supposed to cater more to these people with its Harajuku-esque <i>flava</i>? Or have the "I'm-so-hip-even-I-can't-believe-it" crowd moved to a different location? <br /><br />Far East Plaza is growing up...in my eyes at least. I'm sure there'll still be weird clothes and stuff to buy (like 2ndhand CD shops, tacky tourist souvenirs, t-shirt printing, quirky-looking shoes and clothes and pants), but perhaps the generation which grew up in it is still a patronising customer - except now they have someone else to shop for.<br /><br />I think this is also a sign that an era is passing. (Unless of course, Far East Plaza does a Singapore and remakes itself - it's already done that partially anyway with Level 1 - now all it needs to do it like, make the whole place more brighter and less dingy-looking.)<br /><br />Of course, it could all just be a sign that we're all just getting old.<br /><br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_20_hyperreality_archive.html#105915539953439707">1:49 AM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Monday, July 21, 2003}</p>
<a name="105875730562465391"> </a><br>{*} <b>Quote</b><br /><br /><i>"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking."<br />- Voltaire<br /></i><br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_20_hyperreality_archive.html#105875730562465391">11:15 AM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Sunday, July 20, 2003}</p>
<a name="105871470872234219"> </a><br>{*} <b>Many meetings, Many thanks.</b><br /><br />Thank you to everyone who SMSed, ICQed, or dragged my sorry ass out of my house to meet me and celebrate my birthday. I am overwhelmed by the love and sentiments that came my way that day. <br /><br />Thanks to Cherie and Michelle for meeting me the night before for prata, and celebrating the first few moments of The Day with me.<br /><br />Thank you to Priscilla, Xinling, Huijun, Crystal (HB too!), Soojin, Weilong, Jonathan, Stanley, Serene, Derek and Lijie for the "surprise" at Scotts.<br /><br />To Weilong for tahan-ing me somemore by accompanying me to Baybeats, and running in between stages to catch the various acts. The acoustic stage (mat)rocks!<br /><br />To Mayee, Shao and Felice for making me stay for (body surfing) Fonzi.<br /><br />And to Joo Jin for staying up way past his bedtime to give me my present. <br /><br /><br /><br />Thank you, thank you, thank you.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_20_hyperreality_archive.html#105871470872234219">11:25 PM</a></span>
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<p class="title">{Saturday, July 19, 2003}</p>
<a name="105855047133462645"> </a><br>{*} <b>Happy Birthday to me!</b><br /><br />Yep, like it says. Happy birthday to Yenling and Jiamin (17th July), and Crystal (18th) too!<br /><br /><br><br>
<span class="postedby">posted by eilonwy
<a href="2003_07_13_hyperreality_archive.html#105855047133462645">1:47 AM</a></span>
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