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vendredi, mars 12, 1999

 Church music: a conversation

hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
how abt music?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
ooh, that one a bit harder!!!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i try to be more aware
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and now i'm brushing up on church music history
summatime@hotmail.com says:
which, sad to say, is eroding my confidence in newer christian songs
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but i limit my diet by just trying not to bother so much with the top of the charts
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and keeping a good chrsitian list of songs to listen to on the iPod
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
newer christian songs like?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
just in general
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it's not that they're bad
summatime@hotmail.com says:
just that they pale in comparison
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
sure, they're expressions of what God is doing in the church now. isn't tt impt?
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n all tt talk abt "singing a new song" in Psalms has got to hv some relevance
summatime@hotmail.com says:
"expressions of what God is doing in the church now" is interpretation, which is limited by man (who does it, is his theology sound, does he know God?)

which is the issue for me
summatime@hotmail.com says:
compare an old chestnut, "here i am to worship" vs "great is thy faithfulness"

summatime@hotmail.com says:
"i could sing of your love forever" vs "a mighty fortress is our God"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
you could accuse me of cherry picking, which i suppose I am partially guilty of,but i think it's hard to deny the newer types of songs are a bit God-lite
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
in terms of language yes
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but tts cos we dun talk like tt anymore either
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n it prob wldn't work in our modern society
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but ok take for instance...the surge of new songs talking abt justice
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
tt wasn't so common in the past
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
isnt' tt an impt move of God?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
the entire CompassionArt album
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
the last few Hillsong United albums.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
Tim Hughes- God of Justice
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
Delirious' latest album too
summatime@hotmail.com says:
give me a single song so i can look for lyrics
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
check out God of Justice first
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
"King of the broken"- CompassionArt
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
"With Everything"- Hillsong
summatime@hotmail.com says:
*makes a face*
summatime@hotmail.com says:
we're gonna have to disagree, i'm afraid
summatime@hotmail.com says:
as with all our other conversations about music
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it's not that the newer songs are BAD
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it's just that there are other bigger things to sing about
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
God of Justice -
- well, technically a one sided view of God... you cannot see God's justice without grace
- justice would condemn us, grace saves us

"God of Justice, Saviour to all, Came to rescue the weak and the poor"
- well... *makes face again* technically He chooses who gets his mercy
summatime@hotmail.com says:
move us to action yes- but to what end?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
for justice? to stand beside the broken?

hammatime@hotmail.com says:
warrau u dissect until like dat. no chance liao
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the injunction in the song is "to act justly everyday, loving mercy in everyway"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
if this is a song about sharing God's love, sharing Jesus' love, where is the injuction to the listener to go forth and spread the gospel?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
its not really that they're bad... it's just that it leaves too much for the listener to fill in
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the implied is - to go out and share the gospel
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think if u study this whole justice movement right....its like the current songwriters r filling in the gaps
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we've always been teaching church mbers the imptce of evangelising
summatime@hotmail.com says:
uhm, i actually have...
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
BUT the church hasn't been doing much to serve the poor n needy
summatime@hotmail.com says:
depends on which church
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
so its to balance how we share the gospel. in both word n deed.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i mean the MAGNITUDE OF IT.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
its really getting much bigger now
summatime@hotmail.com says:
okay, before go further, i have to say that I hold a very conservative stance
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n these songwriters r definitely not just abt doing humanitarian work lah
summatime@hotmail.com says:
like, VERY conservative.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
the end is to share the gospel
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i don't have an issue with the songwriters and what they do
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i just think that they need to be more aware of how they are impacting people now

(1) how they need to connect with today's generation,
(2) how they write for todya's generation,
(3) without realising that today's generation is teetering on the edge of apostasy

summatime@hotmail.com says:
many churches today have people who don't think... they listen and nod, but Ravi Zacharias has an urgent call - "Let My People Think!"... and i think it's not unfounded...
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i agree with wot u say actually
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
then there is also the issue of who is pastoring n mentoring these songwriters?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
yes, that's also impt
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
does tt mean we shld limit songwriting to a very select few?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it just boils down to keeping our guard up
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
shld we not sing the new songs anymore cos they're not strong as the hymns?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
protecting christian education jealously
summatime@hotmail.com says:
no no no
summatime@hotmail.com says:
haiz, you missed my pt
summatime@hotmail.com says:
not that new songs are bad
summatime@hotmail.com says:
just that we need more education
summatime@hotmail.com says:
more grace
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
we need to build up songwriters who can write songs which are as strong as or better than the hymns
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
tts gd
summatime@hotmail.com says:
by all means, let's sing a new song unto God
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but let's not sing children's songs
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
its gotta start from the pulpit though
summatime@hotmail.com says:
nope, it's gotta start at home.
summatime@hotmail.com says:
pulpit is too late...
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
home as in self--study of the bible?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
as in biblical families
summatime@hotmail.com says:
fathers as spiritual heads of the households
summatime@hotmail.com says:
that sort of thing
summatime@hotmail.com says:
idealistic, but we're talking about ideals here
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
oh yeah
summatime@hotmail.com says:

hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i agree with that
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
tts gonna take a lot
summatime@hotmail.com says:
you'd prob agree with these two articles on praise music too
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i dun agree with the first
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think it shld be a mix of corporate n indiv songs
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i mean look at the Pslams
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
what about it
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
David used a lot of 'me' references wot
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
check again
the "me" is always balanced with a trait of God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n u find tt is not reflected in the songs we sing?
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
the verse of "Here I am" talks abt the traits of God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
the chorus is our response
summatime@hotmail.com says:
haiz, i'm not saying ALL of the newer songs
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think its how the worship leader crafts the set
summatime@hotmail.com says:
well, that too
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hv a balance of songs tt help the individual connect to God, n those tt r more corporate
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
TIm Hughes taught on tt in a conference actually
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but the focus is on manipulating the individual to connect to God
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
(mind you, this is ME, i don't represent anything/anyone else)
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i dun understd
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the focus is on helping the indiv to connect to God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
as opposed to?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the point of the praise set is to praise God!!!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
not the individual!
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we're not praising the indiv wot. haha
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and it's not worship leader!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it's just the song leader
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i'm not sure i get u
summatime@hotmail.com says:
worship is the whole service!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
our LIFE is worship
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i have a huge issue with this whole "worship leader" term
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
(not everyone has, this is just me)
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
u're not the first
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i think words are v import
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but i dun understand the earlier apart abt helping the indiv?
summatime@hotmail.com says:
music is manipulative
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it can give an experience
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it WILL give an experience if crafted well
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
uh huh
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the point of praise is not experiential
summatime@hotmail.com says:
experience is individual
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the focus has become too much on "having a good "worship" session"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
as opposed to praising God
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the two are so conflated that we are now affected when the music sucks
summatime@hotmail.com says:
or when the praise set is "not crafted well"
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
we get annoyed
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
depends on the how the church teaches it
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and then we think to ourselves, oh man, that wasn't a good time
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i dun think we hv issue in churches tt hv mature, solid teaching
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the whole ethos of praise and worship is governed by the experience that the individual has
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think tts quite a blanket statement
summatime@hotmail.com says:
yes, i am overstating it a bit
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but you take my pt
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
yes, its happened in the past
summatime@hotmail.com says:
while it's true that you don't have that sort of issue in churches with good teaching
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
prob still does in super charismatic churches
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but how many people in churches are THAT serious about their faith
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but i see the value in creating a worship atmsophere tt allows pple to release themselves in worship
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
sometims pple do need help.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
its a practical issue
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n the creative arts team's role is to lovingly shine the spotlight on God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n encourge them to worship Him despite their circumstances
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
or emotions
summatime@hotmail.com says:
nope, i will definitely have an issue with the focus on people
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but u see, u can be that song ldr praising God with all u've got on Sun...n ur pple just aren't with u
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
cos u've failed to connect with them. u've lost them
summatime@hotmail.com says:
that is NOT your job
summatime@hotmail.com says:
your job is to lead them to praise God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i see it as, "let's go get them, n together let's praise God"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
not to "connet with them"
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i disagree
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
if i'm oblivious to wot they're thinking/feeling....i've not fulfilled my role completely
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
leading them, n worshipping GOd at the same time is not separate
summatime@hotmail.com says:
no it definitely isn't
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
n i think for most of us, we're happiest when the congre doesn't need us to encourage them anymore.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
they're there on their own
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but it takes time
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
its a practical issue
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i'm just not comfortable with the level of "craft", as you put it, that is put into trying to make people get into the mood to worship
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we literally had to teach our congre to worship God despite feeling shit
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i guess see the heart behind it
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we're not here to "manipulate"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
see the heart and see the mind as well
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
both. dun nit pick on my words lah
summatime@hotmail.com says:
what informs your worldview
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i'm not.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we're doing this because we love God, n we want pple to do the same
summatime@hotmail.com says:
you can be well-intentioned and sincere, but sincerely wrong
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
yes i'm sure
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and yes, heart yes
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
so how do u suggest tt things be done
summatime@hotmail.com says:
careful examination of every song that you sing
summatime@hotmail.com says:
more education of worship leaders
summatime@hotmail.com says:
more discerning leaders who long after God's heart
summatime@hotmail.com says:
in the context of the music min, more leaders will will dare to say - no, he can't lead worship despite being John Mayer/Jason Mraz, he's not right with God
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
all gd points
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i DO think it's harder in the music ministry though
summatime@hotmail.com says:
because of the ensemble "cast", because of the musical and artistic temperaments, because of differing levels of talent, and because hey, everybody wants a good show
summatime@hotmail.com says:
music is naturally performative
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think we need more leaders who know how to lead creative arts teams
summatime@hotmail.com says:
but it is because there are so many pitfalls that i think we need to ensure we check ourselves very, very carefully
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
tt type of leadership is sore lacking
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hahaha... i think christianleadership is lacking!!!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
in general
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
normal pastors dunno how to lead creative types. tts why got all these attitude probs
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hahaha! yah
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
if artists dun find a healthy source of release, n u dunno how to give them a right balance of space n guidance..they will rebel against u
summatime@hotmail.com says:
we have this pastor in the chi svc now... he's here for 3 year term, quite talented musically, but WOAH, I haven't heard ANYONE say anything gd about him!
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
artists r the hardest to lead
summatime@hotmail.com says:
he's got zero people skills! so he teaches bass/drums/guitar... but now a lot of people are just hearing him, no longer listening... quite bad!
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
wot a waste
summatime@hotmail.com says:
yes, you're right, artists are pretty difficult
summatime@hotmail.com says:
the ensemble is always abalance
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
they're very....'misunderstood'
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i think the American n Australian churches r doing better in leading artists
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i have this excellent book by Kevin DeYoung, Ted Kluck, and David F. Wells, "Why We're Not Emergent"
summatime@hotmail.com says:
in an anecdote within it, there was an exchange narrated between Kevin and a famous guitarist
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and the guitarist said - "in the music scene, it's cool to search for God. It's just not cool to find him."
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
anyway, gd points u raised
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
but my eyes cannot open liao
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
gonna zonk out
summatime@hotmail.com says:
thanks for the debate
summatime@hotmail.com says:
helped to shape some thoughts i had
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
why does it hv to be debate
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
dialogue lah.
summatime@hotmail.com says:
it was a debate.
summatime@hotmail.com says:
dialogue is debate
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
potato potatoe
summatime@hotmail.com says:
byebye la!!
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i'm not fighting with u wot. why debate
summatime@hotmail.com says:
you are!
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i'm not. u always think i am
summatime@hotmail.com says:
(oh man.)
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i just wanna discuss
summatime@hotmail.com says:
i think discussions are debates
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i dun think so
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i just wanna know where u're coming from
summatime@hotmail.com says:
and vice versa
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
yeah tts all
summatime@hotmail.com says:
nope,that's a monologue
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
i didn't come in here to win
summatime@hotmail.com says:
debate doesn't have to be about winning/losing
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
ok ok
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
we're debating abt the term debate
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
we FAIL.
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
at this gdnight thing
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
ntie nite!!!
summatime@hotmail.com says:
summatime@hotmail.com says:
(FAIL spelling too.)
hammatime@hotmail.com says:
yah both

[Church music: a conversation]
Sngs Alumni @ 12.3.99 { 0 comments }


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