Fact 2: Some men like women whose lives are in constant turmoil.
It's the classic Snow White phenomenon. She can't get along with her family so she gets kicked out the house and wanders around aimlessly until these seven guys take pity on her and take her in. She's so sweet and lost and pretty. They'll save her and she will love them. Only while they're off toiling in a mine (a mine for crying out loud!) she's hanging around the house concocting schemes to piss off her stepmother and make out with that guy who goes traipsing around the countryside on a horse. A guy, mind you, with no apparent means of gainful employment.
So despite the fact that the seven guys take care of her, never lay a hand on her, sit by her side after she gets hold of a bad apple, she goes off with the guy on the horse who just shows up one day and sticks his tongue down her throat. A guy who has not been toiling in a mine and who will dump her on her ass for a blonde -- probably Cinderella.
this is an NC-16 link.
[Fact 2: Some men like women whose lives are in constant turmoil. ]
Sngs Alumni @ 29.9.03 { 0 comments }