This quiet hour of 4 -
we are lovers, you and I
(though I probably share you with countless others; nonetheless
you never kiss and tell)
You are a quiet one.
Looking over me
as friends stop blinking, one by one
their flowers closing their petals and shutting their eyes
And you were there. By me.
Quiet in my solitude
Quiet in our silence
Quiet in that hush
those soft, restrained hours before dawn -
I love wrapping myself in your embrace
the darkness pliable around my shoulders.
It was a cloak which wore me well
which I wore well
to contemplate code, rehearse rhymes and generally
live life, sitting cross-legged on my chair.
Or just sit, thinking nothing at all,
revelling in the ability
to sit, thinking nothing at all.
The inevitable race we run has called, and I must return
from this pit-stop; I am long overdue.
So take this cloak black, shake out the smell of those
soft, restrained hours before dawn
smooth away the creases from the code
and fold it up neatly.
Put it by the chair I used to dream on
thinking all and nothing at all.
I thank the owner muchly for its use.
(Now hark and listen. The clock strikes the hours
2:26am 9 October 2003
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.03 { }