Dreaming of Chestnuts Roasting
Well well well. Apparently we've got press coverage in the Sunday New Paper, and tomorrow, Tan Shzr-Ee will be featuring Chestnuts in Life! as well. Good stuff. If you haven't watched it, GO WATCH IT!
Or you can buy tickets from me, just call me!
And one thing interesting about producing a play (which I had forgotten) was the little peek it gives you into audience dynamics. Since you're there every f**king night, you realise that every audience is different, each night changes, matinees are different from night shows. An audience with a raucous centre portion will immediately have a different energy level from an audience with, say, a noisy back row (then it turns into an ITE classroom.)
I'm also learning some very fast and hard lessons in PR from a consumnate playa'. All very interesting, all very practical, hands-on stuff. Theatre 203: How to Schmooze 'em, Theatre 101: How to Suck Up To Sponsors, Theatre 301: How To Slickly Hand Our Your Name Card...
I also met someone from Republic Poly today, who said it was a shame (darn) that I didn't join them, because they needed someone who has my experience with the performing arts. Oh well. Story of my life.
Too many dreams, only one life.
[Dreaming of Chestnuts Roasting]
Sngs Alumni @ 21.12.03 { }