Happy Hari Raya!
For another year running, I was invited to Azhar's house for Hari Raya, reminding me again how few not-Chinese friends I have, despite living in a multi-cultural society. Had a lovely time, apart from being bitten by MINDEF-trained mosquitoes when I was out admiring the nice discus tank.
There was a brief moment of utter, utter tragicomedy as I talked with Jules about PHP software, and how to set it up on the web-server plans we have. For some reason the talk just kept going deeper and got more technical until we started talking about CHMODs and setting file permissions -- and I think he and I both had The Epiphany at the same time. There was a distinct pause in the conversation (he was talking at the moment of realisation). I suppressed a smile, and as he finished, he asked the statement-question on my mind: "What the hell are we doing talking about this?!?"
Better us than lesser mortals, my friend. :)
[Happy Hari Raya!]
Sngs Alumni @ 8.12.03 { 0 comments }
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