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mardi, décembre 30, 2003

 I actually watched a movie! Two, to be precise!

Yes, finally, after Pirates of the Carribean (which I watched BY MYSELF, I might add, sad pathetic loser that I am), I watched not one, but TWO movies! Within 24 hours! On two different days, but within 24 hours nonetheless! And here's my take on them.

Movie 1: Under the Tuscan Sun
(Starring Diane Lane, last seen being very Unfaithful)
(My english is going down the toilet. I actually typed "last sawn in...")

"This is SUCH a chick flick."

That's what I said to Eunice as we walked out of Lido. Three times. It's how unbelievably chick this film is. I looked at the number of guys coming out of the theatre, and marvelled at their devotion to the other person (inevitably female) - the amount of willpower it must have taken not to just up and run screaming away from the theatre must have been monumental.

Conversely, they could have all just fallen asleep. In which case, I quite honestly wouldn't be surprised.

[story/plot] (what's the difference again?)
Don't get me wrong, the film is actually quite good - woman (Diane Lane) loses husband in divorce, is given a sympathy ticket by her two gay gal-pals to go (of all things) on a gay tour of Spain ITALY, and buys a villa there on impulse, after some crazy woman (Lindsay Duncan) in a hat and eating ice cream (with gloves on!!!) tells her that crazy ideas are the best.

Then she basically spends the rest of the movie trying to fill the gaping hole her marriage has left in her by vacillating between: (1) fixing her broken-down house (or "villa"), (2) trying to find a man, (3) taking care of and cooking for the workpeople she hired to fix the house, (4) trying to find a man, (5) taking care of her pregnant lesbian friend who just got dumped, (6) trying to find a man, (7) helping underaged kids get married, and of course, (8) trying to find a man. It works (for me at least) because the self-pitying bits are interlaced quite well with the other less me-myself-and-I segments, which does depict the way that life runs (good bits are strewn here and there with the mundane and the not-so-good bits), but still I couldn't help but scream in my mind: "GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY!"

It was just Diane Lane, Diane Lane, and more Diane Lane. Have a Diane Lane overdose. Enough already. Oh, and a bit of Lindsay Duncan, a crazy woman who purportedly teaches Diane Lane "how to live". This is a woman who dances in the fountain at night by herself, occasionally wears feather boas (and nothing else) at home, and who wears hats and eats ice-cream with gloves on. Not enough character development. At all. At first I thought she would be the show's something-like deus ex machina, but then... nothing. She was just a flat, kooky character.

It's not so bad. Watchable, not weepy, believable (if you can believe that a middle aged-writer can afford to buy a villa in Spain ITALY on impulse) - watch it if you have the patience to see a woman putting her life back together.

Love, Actually was the second film. My take: another day. Tired.

[I actually watched a movie! Two, to be precise!]
Sngs Alumni @ 30.12.03 { }

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+ before i die +

Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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[lpsd 2003-2009.]