friends rediscovered, friends uncovered
Friends Rediscovered
I seem to have a knack of finding friends by my car. The other night after the penultimate run of Chestnuts, I was around Tiong Bahru, leaving after eating supper. My friend Jo walked me to my car, since it was quite far away, and it was 12:30 in the morning, and as he was giving me directions, I suddenly heard "xxx (my name)?" from the ah-beng car beside me. I turned to look at the ah-beng, and it was my JC classmate, Joshua, whom I hadn't seen since we graduated in 1998. So we talked for a spell, catching up and stuff - he's in SMU doing business or accounting now, in his 3rd year, doing attachments here and there. We ended the evening with him lead-driving and showing me where the CTE was.
Another car-friend today was Johanna! I parked the car in a place where I never parked before, a road just before my church, and as I was leaving after prayer meeting, I saw a vaguely familiar face walking towards me - Johanna. She stays in that road that I was parked in, which means that I've been very geographically close to her most of the Sundays of my life.
Friends Uncovered
Last night, I had an icq conversation with someone whom I didn't expect to care, but she did, and very much. Thank you. It's the first pleasant surprise of 2004, you.
[friends rediscovered, friends uncovered]
Sngs Alumni @ 2.1.04 { }