Good Bye Fujitsu!
 | Spent yesterday a little droopy because of the weather, plus a feeling of blah-ness brought on by the lack of things to do (it's one of those days where it's not good to feel useless). Plus the fact that my computer was dead as a doornail. Bought it to the NUS Comp Centre, where the guys spent a good half hour trying to fix it. They finally booted up the comp on a different OS (the geeks wrote it themselves!) from my CD-rom drive, connected to my work computer (majik!), and dumped the contents of my d:drive into my workstation's c:drive. That way, I still have most of my crap, just that quite a lot of email is now lost forever.
After recovering my data, I had to bring the Fujitsu to the Fujitsu care centre, which is now located in a dreary little dungeon-looking corner in the PC co-op. The (rather-cute-but-has-the-flu) guy there told me that I had to bring my invoice to show that the computer had been bought within the last 3 years. If I didn't, then the repair would cost $200. However, I could go to the MPSH to print my invoice out again, which would cost $20. (I found the invoice at home, thankfully, which saved me not only $20, but a trip down to the MPSH). So now I have a brand-new physical drive, thanks to NUS. I'm starting to wonder if I should actually leave my job - the perks are pretty damn good! (Though not as good as Estee's $41K/annum's NSW!)
Went to catch Good Bye Lenin! with Estee and Jeff (his first appearance on this space!), where she had a rather dramatic reaction to the movie. ("I'm a bleeding-heart Marxist, so sue me," she said, between sniffles.) Pretty good movie - I liked it mainly because it told an engaging story, without any one particular theme coming too sharply into focus (and thus poking your eye out.) A boy who loved his mom, set in Berlin, against the fall of the Wall. Sure, there was the East-West ideological tension in the background, but (for me, at least), it stayed in the background a lot, or was used as a prop (images of the boy rooting through the garbage to find an empty bottle of East German pickles after the supermarkets stopped carrying them, and one of him jubilant after discovering a stockhold of leftover East German products remain to me, the most poignant scenes of the movie.) |
[Good Bye Fujitsu!]
Sngs Alumni @ 28.1.04 { }