Pastor Chang
Sudden email from Issac via David:
Dear all brothers/sisters-in-Christ of TRBC,
Some of you may have already known that Rev. Chang met with an industrial accident in church this afternoon. His left hand last 3 fingers were crushed by the fallen gate and was admitted to TTSH. He'll be undergoing an urgent operation tonight to fix up the injured fingers (bones/nerve/veins etc...). Perhaps the operation is going to be quite tedious.....
Please pray for Rev. Chang's operation and ask God to bless the surgeon with wisdom while he is attending to him.. Also, pray that Rev. Chang has a peaceful soul as he commits the operation to the medical team. Also, pray that his hyper-tension (high-blood pressure) be in-control during this stressful period he is undergoing.....
Also, pray for Mrs. Sarah Chang as she needs to take care of Docas (Ping) & Titus (GuangRong) while attending to the needs of Rev. Chang in hospital. Pray for their 2 children as they may be emotionally very stirred by Rev. Chang's accident....
Let us commit Rev. Chang & his family in God's hand..... Your prayers are important!
In Him, Isaac (for further updates/details, you may want to contact our church office or our church leaders/pastors...)
[Pastor Chang]
Sngs Alumni @ 20.1.04 { 0 comments }