The Passion of the Christ
If you're not planning on going to watch it, watch it.
If you're the kind of person that hates gore and violence, watch it.
If you're think that Mel Gibson is just sensationalising the crucifixion, watch it.
In short, I think you get it: watch it.
I don't think it's so much a "I liked Passion" rather than I really appreciate it being made. We sing "Thank You for the Cross", we pray "Never let us forget Your sacrifice" so often that it doesn't really mean much, does it? We occasionally get wells of emotional highs during a particularly moving worship service, and we read books and articles about the protracted pain of crucifixion, but do we ever flinch when we sin against God? The way we flinched when we watched Jesus being flagellated, his flesh ripped with that cruel stick in this pathetic movie, a pale shadow of what really was, 2004 years ago?
"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor 5:21)
The whole idea of Jesus and the crucifixion was for him to take the punishment of sin for us, so that when the time comes (and it will come for everyone) and we stand accused of every wrong thing that we did without defense, we will be shown grace, unmerited mercy. It is a huge thing for one person to take the punishment for someone else's wrongdoing, but for someone to take on the sins of the whole world, while being sinless himself... if you can't understand it, nor appreciate its full import, well, join me. If a paltry movie can make me appreciate Jesus's sacrifice better, then I say again: watch it.
[The Passion of the Christ]
Sngs Alumni @ 6.4.04 { }