Flying off soon
Well then. I'm busy this weekend with some stupid conference or other my boss agreed to host, and which I have to work the weekend for, and then I'm off for two weeks to the Philippines, and then for another 4 days for church camp in Desaru, Malaysia.
Wanna pray for me? Here are my prayer requests:
- Safety and protection for my parents and younger brother that they be safe from harm;
- Peace of mind for my parents;
- For an especially close walk with God during the mission trip;
- Team unity; that we will respond to each other in love and understanding;
- That my church and supporters will be blessed by their involvement in this trip;
- Good health for all my team members;
- That my boss will be understanding about the extended time away and not be unreasonable.
Thanks to everyone who's ordered t-shirts - you have no idea how great you guys are being. And if you haven't already bought a t-shirt, what are you waiting for? Email or SMS me now!
[Flying off soon]
Sngs Alumni @ 28.5.04 { 0 comments }