looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?

dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer

+ sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +

mardi, juillet 20, 2004

 2004: Birthday Log File

0000hrs - Mourning over the death of handphone, after dropping it in the toilet bowl (thank goodness in clean water). Realise that will be missing all the birthday SMSes that are coming in. Mourn those as well.
0030hrs - Almost completely forget about handphone loss after surfing around for interesting Masters programmes, and am very impatient to apply for this particular one at MIT. Two years, at a whopping US$29,000 per year - and that's just tuition! I'll never be able to afford that.
0100hrs - Eyelids drooping, hence sleep.
0300hrs - Handphone miraculously wakes up and beeps four times in succession. Opened an eyelid to check - resurrected handphone display mourned messages of birthday wishes. Closed the eye and went back to sleep.
0830hrs - Wake up, late for work AGAIN. But it's my birthday, so who cares?
0930hrs - Reach work. Check phone messages. None. Buy breakfast (century egg porridge and tea from Engineering Canteen.) Start fooling around with the computer and checking email. Send out some quick replies. Work on typing out minutes of some personal stuff, and occasionally cleaning up desk.
1159hrs - Professor calls from upstairs. Lunch? His treat, since it's my day. Sushi, he says. I'm sold. We drive out to Bukit Timah for some really good california maki opposite Beauty World ("It's right beside My Wife's Place," this very single professor tells me. Then he gets this stupid grin on his face when I stare at him in skeptically, thinking "This must be a really stinking, bad joke" - and then he turns and points at this tacky neon-lighted pub, with the name - yes, MY WIFE'S PLACE. "I'm sorry, I can't help it," he says. Yeah, right.)
1215hrs - In the middle of eating. Pastor and Andy SMS with requests for prayers upon Timothy, who is undergoing surgery for his broken leg. Pray.
1330hrs - Finish lunch and head back to work. Three colleague-friends waiting for me impatiently in office to go for a second lunch at Ikea. Alright then.
1400hrs - Lunch at Ikea. Was too full, so just had cake, which colleagues bought for me. Yum. Good food, good company. After lunch, walked over to Anchorpoint to check out Giordan0 for colleague (since birthday discounts are 20%!) Nothing nice, so headed back after buying hotdogs.
1500-1600hrs - Dropped by Office of Finance to pick up a cheque, dropped by office to pick up a letter, dropped by the Suziki dealer to get back my colleague's IC, dropped by the Pasir Panjang Post Office to pick up two French horns. Phew!
1630hrs - Finally back in the office. Call Adeline. Meeting set at Plaza Singapura for 7pm-ish. Decide to leave work early to shop at Zara Liat before meeting her. Start packing up.

1645hrs - Leaving the office, digging through handbag, realised that I had forgotten to bring a pen. Head back to office. Colleague tells me that boss is in the building! Pick up the telephone to give another colleague a call, then boss pops his head in the door and discusses some stuff with me. Phew! That was close. :-)

1715hrs - He finally leaves the building, and so do I!

1825hrs - Shop without looking at price tags in Zara Liat. Whoopee! Amazing fun - I highly recommend trying this at least once in a year.

1910hrs - Reach Plaza Singapura. Unexpectedly meet Terence Quah at the entrance. Talk to him for a bit, then drag him up to meet Adeline to say hi.

1920hrs - Leave Terence. Go get snacks, then head to movie theatre.

1935hrs - Super Size Me! (By the way, have you heard of this paper called The Straights Times?)

2130hrs - Film ends and we move off to Giordano for my annual GioBinge - at a birthday 20% off, naturally. We have the whole shop to ourselves, and the shop manager is really good, polite and helpful but not pushy.

2200hrs - Wind down at Cafe Cartel, where Ade has a salad and I continue my chocolate rush with ice-cream and a cake. I open her presents to me, and squee - Amidst junk food (one packet of Hello Panda labelled "MONDAY", one Oreo Bits labelled "TUESDAY" etc), I find Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time! With matching birthday card!

2330hrs - Heavily laiden, decided to continue the decadence and head home in a cab.

That's it! My day.

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

[2004: Birthday Log File]
Sngs Alumni @ 20.7.04 { 0 comments }


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+ before i die +

Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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[lpsd 2003-2009.]