KillMeNow Part 1
I believe this is one series of blog entries which will continue. The KillMeNow series. Chronicling my exciting adventures at work. Watch me as I battle for supremacy, domination, plain cold CASH?? NOTHING AT ALL.
Today, I had to endure one and a half hours of a personalised "let's "discuss" this issue, when in fact I want to lecture you, but I can't because you're not really my staff" meeting. One-on-one with this old fat bug-eyed hag from work. We were supposed to meet to discuss something minor: the draft of a fine form that students will be issued with when they violate rules. Then came the dreaded "But before that, I need to discuss a few other things with you."
First, she tells me that I was posted as the Facilities Manager "so as to help with the activities there, not to make more work," implying that I had given her more work just by existing in my capacity as a manager.
Then she tells me that there would be some other guy coming in to work, and that the three clerks would be very busy with other things, so there would be times when the counter would not be manned, and that it was my job to "help cover some of their duties". This means that I would have to sit at the counter, answer phone calls and help visitors to the building.
At the same time, I would have to work out some way to SIMULTANEOUSLY be at the counter, while also ensuring that students do not abuse the practice rooms. Wow. I'm supposed to invent time-travel too.
So now I'm a receptionist. Sure, no problem. Oh, what's that? She wants me to fix the photocopier and fax machine if it jams - the faculty are supposed to come to me when they need these things done, not the clerk at my building. "She's ONLY a receptionist, and she can ONLY do receptionist duties," the bug-eye tells me. Five times. I get insulted for my friend - she's a really, really exceptional employee who is always on her toes, and this old, fat bug-eye tells me that she can "ONLY" be a receptionist.
I'm also supposed to prowl around the building, looking for any defects to pounce on and repair. "You must do this before anyone tells you about defects, you know? That's what you're supposed to do, you cannot wait for things to spoil then only you know," bug-eye tells me. Woah-hey! I'm supposed to evolve and have psychic powers too! Whoppee!
I really hate bug-eye. I hate the way she insults people behind their backs. When one of the clerks (my friend) protested during another meeting that bug-eye was giving me too much work to do, she apparently told my friend, "If she can't take it, she should just quit." (Soon, my dear, soon.)
I also hate the way she speaks for the Director. I'll bet you he doesn't know that she does this. During the meeting, she told me, "Last year, there were only two people in the building, and so, WE got very irritated at XXX because she couldn't do both jobs, and WE got very irritated at YYY also because she wasn't at the counter doing counter duty," Unless she's having an affair with my Director (highly impossible because she's an old, fat hag) ... ? These two people are two of the more responsible people I know, and she's the lazy bum.
My hypothesis is this: she's bugged out by me because there's a lot of stuff going on in the building, and I CC her everything that's happening because she wants to know. The trouble is there are a LOT of email about a LOT of different things that are happening, and it's clogging up my email, and probably hers too - and she has more, because she has her own job to take care of. It's just that she wants to be kaypoh and know about my job too, so I courteously CC her stuff FYI. Looks like she has too many fingers in too many pots.
She's also probably bugged out that I talk to the Director a lot more now, because I report directly to him. She wants desperately to kick me around like a clerk, but she can't, because she's not my boss, and she's really, really frustrated at that because she wants to have the final say in everything, but can't when my Director interjects directly to me. In fact, she was rather unhappy when the Director popped his head into our meeting and told me that I "shouldn't be afraid to just copy (him) everything in email that I think he should know.
[KillMeNow Part 1]
Sngs Alumni @ 21.7.04 { 0 comments }