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samedi, août 28, 2004

 Dear QY - A Story about a Bus Freak

Hi Qy,

Yes, I've been blogging a lot more lately. Life has been unpredictable while yet maintaining its usual routine - you know, get up, get to work, force myself to take my one-hour lunch break instead of donating it to The Company, work some more, watch the clock, get off at 5:30pm exact so that I don't donate any more time to The Company than necessary, get home, (maybe!) jog, surf around, read read read, sleep.

And yet like I mentioned, it's unpredictable. Like what happened when I fell asleep on the number 10 bus while on my way to a dinner with a friend. I normally brace myself against the spines of the seat in front of me - you know, the sides? - so that I can maintain my balance on my seat without bopping to every single red light, while yet not giving the person in front of me that horrible "leg kicking my back" feeling. On that rather unfortunate day, I fell fast asleep, exhausted from meeting a famous professor that day, balancing myself on new high heels (C&K), wearing a skirt dress, and running up and down the place while doing my job. (Looking damn good while doing it too! It was a good hair day. )

So I fell alseep - very tak glam, head lolling about, hair all over my face - thank goodness not drooling (I wasn't that unconscious!) I woke up somewhere around Clifford Pier, with the vague notion that I should be somewhere around Suntec (my destination.) I look around, and decide, yes, it's time to sit up straight and get my ass in gear.

Then I become aware of the person in front of me, who was behaving in a rather strange fashion. He would sit forward with his back away from the back of the chair, and then forcibly SLAM his back into the chair. I watched him do this a couple of times, all the while feeling a little perplexed at the masochistic behaviour, and then it dawned on me - my knee had slipped while I was napping, and was now giving him that knee-in-the-back feeling.

I removed the offending knee, after which he turned around and glared at me. My hair was still in my face at that moment, so I couldn't get a good look at him, but the look he shot me was rather poisonous, which marred his features, which were decent. (Not excellent, just decent, like normal.) And I just sat there, a little bemused, and thinking about that morning's radio discussion, about how Singaporean men just couldn't make the cut.

I don't think I have the right to be angry at him for glaring at me - after all, it really was my knee in his back, but to behave the way that he did - that was rather disgraceful really. I really was asleep, so he should have just tolerated it, or just woke me up to tell me. SLAMMING yourself into the seat just makes you angrier as you work out physically, and by the way, also inconveniences your seat partner, who has to tolerate your perpetual earthquakes inflicted on the chair.

Anyway, I got off at the next stop (my stop), and he had a good look at my face and my butt as I stepped down from that double-decker bus. Then, he came running off the bus just as it was about to get off. I turned around because I heard someone tumbling down the bus stairs, but when I saw that it was him, I just walked to Raffles Place. It's possible that he wanted to apologise, considering that I look remarkably different (from an undergraduate mess) when I stood up and straighted my hair and clothes out, but then again, I might be flattering myself. But hey, when you have a good hair day, and are dressed to match, you're entitled to stroke your ego a little, no? ;P

With men like these, is it any wonder a lot more Singaporean women are willing to risk loneliness, 50% higher risk of breast cancer, living with parents forever, and forgoing the baby bonus package? I'm not against relationships and marriage, but so far, incidents like these aren't a particularly good sign for anyone's love life in Singapore, least of all a Christian's. And before you say that "maybe this guy is good boyfriend material, you never know, he might be different", then I ask you - do you really want a Jekyll and Hyde creature around you? One who's nice to you, but mean to the waiter and slaps his mother around?

Well, this has been a depressing enough post for me, I just wanted to say HI to you for missing out on your birthday this year (coming to the quarter-life crisis period! Picked out your personal crisis yet?), and to dedicate this post to you.

Happy 23rd Birthday, babe.

your DGL.
28 Aug 2004

p.s. I'm not saying that he didn't have a reason to get mad at me, I'm just flummoxed by the way he chose to show his displeasure. Body-slamming the bus-seat is a real mature way of acting.

[Dear QY - A Story about a Bus Freak]
Sngs Alumni @ 28.8.04 { 0 comments }


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Pyramids, Egypt
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Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
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Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
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Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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