Google has a blog!
Well, what do you expect of the company which acquired Google? Unfortunately, it's not too funky right now, and it suffers the problem of large-scale corporate blogging - your basic "who the hell is blogging now?!" phenomenon, which doesn't happen when a blogs - with just two employees, it's easy to keep things personal.
Anyway, something interesting up on their blog: fancy yourself a great mathematician (like, first class honours from Cambridge University? How about it, PM Lee?) Solve this problem to get to an even harder one - and then they'll invite you to interview for their company. Nifty? Yeah, I thought it was kinda geeky-cool too.

It reads {first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com. It's the URL for that harder question, and the interview invite. Geek-cool rules!
[Google has a blog!]
Sngs Alumni @ 29.8.04 { 0 comments }