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jeudi, août 26, 2004

 KillMeNow #5 - The Piano*

Why #5*? Because today gets a distinction for business. I ran away from work at 5:30pm on the dot because it was such a hairy day.

Got to work as usual, and within 10 minutes of my sitting down, checking email, I hear this angry knocking at the door. I open my office door, and "COME AND SEE! I SHOW YOU!" suddenly explodes in my face. I follow two suitably angry students to one of the rooms, and oh.my.gosh. Someone spilt tea mixed with cigarette ash into another Yamaha C3 piano. Brilliant. It's in even worse condition than the piano with coke in it.

I go off to spoil my boss's day - I give him a call, and it turns out, he's not having that great a start to the day either, and I'm just another thing in his Inbox - labelled Code Yellow. (because Code Red would be the building catching fire, and this thing just doesn't seem to match up.)

I call up our piano technician to check the piano out, and he says he can't come till the evening, because he's meeting this famous German technician from Australia, who's flying off tomorrow. I tell him to get in as soon as he can, before the damage gets any worse through seepage and absorption.

I look for my boss frantically because he mentioned in the Tuesday staff meeting that he wanted to talk to this German bloke, whom the school consults when doing piano-ey things. He told his secretary and the Office B**** (Bug-Eye) to find out, but I bet Bug-Eye's ever-expanding ass that she didn't do an iota of work on this. Unfortunately for me, by this time my boss is halfway back to his office, forcing me to run after him with the news, which I convey to him in 38deg sweltering heat.

After this physical exertion (is it any wonder I'm getting fat?) I spend the rest of the morning watching the video feed for the security camera, trying to catch students who brought in tea or coffee in a cup when they weren't supposed to. Horrific eye-strain from that, due to extremely unergonomic placing of the TV, the chair and the controls. Midway through that, my boss emails me (damn me for checking mails! Down with multi-tasking!), and tells me that he wants the log files of the contact card access system too.

A couple of weeks ago, I hooked up the laser printer with the computer which keeps tabs on the cards and access to the building, but for some strange reason, it wouldn't work. I was going to leave the problem for when I had more time to fiddle about with it, but no, TODAY had to be the day where I needed to print out these reports. I tried printing again and again, to no avail, so I decided to reinstall the drivers - on another port instead this time. The computer required a restart, but I didn't want to take the computer offline, not today, so I decided NOT to restart it.

By this time, it was already 3pm, and I had to go out of school to run some errands - pick up some posters etc. I come back, and the computer is not responding - it's offline, and not receiving any of our input commands. My colleague, at the same time, tells me the office b**** is looking for me (Bug-Eye). *deep breath*

First things first - I try to fix the computer problem, fail, and tell my colleague to call the vendor. Next - I ask why Bug-Eye is looking for me. TO LOOK AT THE LIGHTS.

History Lesson! Lights.
They change lights frequently because they want to test the different types of lighting available for the new building. Out of four lights, three were installed WHEN I WASN'T AROUND.

A couple of weeks back, she emails me and asks me stuff about the lights. The email ping-pong was something like this:

Bug-Eye (BE) - Are the lights installed? Where are they?
Me - Room 11.
BE - Are they okay? How is the feedback? [blah blah some other info to show me that she's very big lah - WHATever.]
Me - Students have found that it's okay, that it's good.
BE - Did they install all the lights?
Me - I don't know how many they installed or took away or removed. They are in one corner of the store room.
BE - How many did they leave behind? Where are they? Can you take a look and see?
Me - (super pissed off by now) Dunno. A lot. Come and see for yourself.
BE - Okay, I will. (she proceeds to come the following WEEK. B****.)

And the computer vendor can't come today, so it'll have to be tomorrow. But my colleague has apparently fixed it mysteriously. Oh well. They're still coming tmrw.

[KillMeNow #5 - The Piano*]
Sngs Alumni @ 26.8.04 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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