UPDATED - All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Aaaaaand... I've done more "research" on this subject, and it seems that there are SONGS dedicated to this, translations done in multiple languages of the original text, a dvorak card game (think of Happy Families and Snap) made from the screenshots, and finally, to cap this meme's glory, a wikipedia entry on it.
(22 Aug 2004 12:36AM)
I don't know if I posted this before, but here it is again - All Your Base Are Belong To Us! I probably mentioned it before, but it's been a while now, and I want it to be remembered!
"In AD 2101. War was beginning. What happen? Somebody set us up the bomb. We get signal. What! Main screen turn on. It's you!! How are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us! You are on your way to destruction. What you say! You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha."

In case you want to read about the phenomenon, Wired Magazine has a pretty good analysis of why the *bleep* it's so fun.
[UPDATED - All Your Base Are Belong To Us]
Sngs Alumni @ 28.8.04 { 0 comments }