Mini Secondary 4 Class Gathering
Huey Ying gathered a couple of us and hustled us to China Square Central for dinner tonight, using that old excuse: "But I didn't get to talk to you all at my wedding dinner, I only SAW you guys, so now I want to catch up!" (That girl, one kind one, always using the same excuse over and over again until it gets tired.)
We went to The Village - no, not to watch Shymalan, but to this total Marché ripoff at China Square Central. Food was okay, nothing great (actually, in that sense, it was pretty much the same as Marché.) The company was, however. Cherry, Eunice, Fang Fang, Yingshan, Huey Ying, Daphne and myself were there. It was a large enough group to feel like a group, but small enough to involve everyone in a single conversation. Eight people. Good number too.
Yingshan regaled us with tales of her travels (Yunnan, China - yes, that of Yunnan Hair Care), and Huey Ying excited us with her honeymoon plans - 3 days in Paris, France! I gave her CHERYL KOH's mobile number, and told her to look up CHERYL KOH (in case she ever reads this post, never let it be said that I didn't write her name, CHERYL KOH, in large, uppercase letters.) Ahem. Anyway, I told her that I was fairly certain that CHERYL KOH would be happy to accommodate a meeting in Paris, if informed early. Daphne is going to Italy at the end of October, and Fang Fang is trying to head for Paris herself at the end of the year.

^^ everyone! ^^

^^Daphne and Huey Ying^^

Yingshan! As cute as ever.

Cherry and Fang Fang - now working in the same firm (PWC) together.
[Mini Secondary 4 Class Gathering]
Sngs Alumni @ 4.9.04 { 0 comments }
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