Purple Wolf

- You are Purple Wolf, who is simple, cheerful and friendly type.
- You don't change your attitude according to other person, and can state your own points of view straightly.
- You don't flirt or be too dependent, you are a serious person.
- You tend to lack sensitivity, and although you say things straightforwardly, you don't mean any harm. But others may misunderstand you and think you as cold hearted person.
- You don't try to exaggerate your attitude and expressions.
- You will not be influenced by your surroundings, and therefore are confident about your own thinking. This may make you seem as stubborn.
- Your hold your own philosophy about your life, and will steadily move on one step at a time towards your objective.
- You are very responsible and precise person.
- In personal relationships, you tend to be kind and soft-hearted; you can get on with people without thinking about personal interests.
- You possess strict economical view and are reliable person.
- When you get to your middle ages, you may experience instability for a long time.
- You are cool about your love life too.
- You don't like bargaining, and will approach with sincere heart.
- You grow love slowly, but sometimes you can get in a sudden burst of passion.
I seem to alternate between long complaints, and therapeutic pseudo-personality tests. This one sounds like a bad translation from Japanese.
[Purple Wolf]
Sngs Alumni @ 5.9.04 { 0 comments }