looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?

dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer

+ sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +

samedi, septembre 18, 2004


Whew! I feel popular today.

Meeting 1: Super Cabbie
Going to work (supremely late, as usual - I woke up at 9am, if you can believe that!), I took a cab from Holland V into NUS, and met a finalist of last year's Singapore Tourism Award. The cab driver was very talkative, and it turns out that he has a degree in engineering from Oklahoma University, and was retrenched about two years ago. He gave me the forms to fill up which would nominate him again this year, as well as the SMRT feedback form. I took the forms to fill up - he wanted me to do it in the cab, but that would mean giving my personal particulars to him. He kinda creeped me out by being too friendly. Not sure whether I want to nominate him or not.

Meeting 2: Mervin
Along the way to Orchard Road to meet Zibing and Qiuyan, I meet... Mervin! Who enthusiastically asked and asked and asked and asked and asked... (you get the idea) me to join the Reuters Dragon Boat team, citing first a competition, then muscle-bound men as the pull, then changed tactic and suggestively suggested (tautology, I know, but heck) "Imagine the great tan you'll get!" I'm a sucker for authetic tanning - you know, the sort you get when you actually exercise for it, and not get from just sunning yourself on the beach or poolside? Mervin alternated between pushing the muscle-bound men and the natural tan (and muscle tone) all the way to Cold Storage Tanglin. (Huifen, your guy is buff! Be careful and keep tabs of the number of times he's hitting the gym, or I'll mistake him for Arnold S. soon, and nominate him to be Serangoon NMP!!!) I'm actually considering it, okay Merv? Seriously.

Meeting 3: Audrey
I was early for the meeting, so I totally bummed away in Zara (nothing new) and Borders (BordersBordersBordersYay!) where I sat and read five chapters of a teen novel, "New Girl in Town", a Christian novel I think. I think I'm going to review it for promotion in church. The first five chapters were pretty decent already. I checked out the DVD section of Borders, hoping to get my Out Of Sight DVD, but no cigar. Bummer.

I got the "I'm here!" sms from Zibing, then met Audrey while walking to Far East to meet her. I invited her along, and she decided to hang out with us for a while, and we wound up chatting an hour (at least) away as we ate dinner at 士林 (台湾小吃) 。

gulin on a different gastronomic expedition

I met the owner (friend's friend) of the
士林 enterprise on the occasion depicted above

Meeting 3.5: Zibing and Qiuyan (3.5 because it was already planned, so not really counted)
After finding that Crest was closed, Zibing and I walked towards Taka, where we meandered in and out of the sociology section, discussing churches and attitudes. Then we collected Qiuyan from the basement, and went to Crystal Jade Kitchen to grab QY's dinner and catch up. After which, Zibing had to return home to fulfil certain (felicitous) obligations. :-)

Meeting 4 & 5: Vic & Joyce / Forgotten couple
While taking the escalator, Victor and Joyce suddenly appeared and screamed "HIIII!" Amazingly, nobody stared (too hard). But to my surprise, a couple I know from year 1 (I think) was behind them too, and they said Hi as I was moving ever upward on the escalator. I so cannot remember their names, but I know I know them!

Meeting 6 & 7: Jer Ming, Chloe (, Dawn and Darren)
While trying to devour more food between us (a very large serving of Coffee Club's chocolate and coffee ice-cream with choc fudge and oreo cookies) between Qiuyan and myself, Jer Ming called and wanted to pop by. D'uh, of course that's alright. When they came, they brought Chloe along, whom I know from my Redang trip. Last orders were over, so they hung out while we finished up our food, and then I left for home, because (dammit) I'm not young anymore. (But I think they all went home after that too, so I guess it all evens out. Unless you guys didn't. Qiuyan? Heh.)

Phew. It's tiring being popular. :P (tongue firmly in cheek.) (And how's that for hyperreality. This has got to be one of my most linked posts.)

Sngs Alumni @ 18.9.04 { 0 comments }


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+ before i die +

Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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