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dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
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samedi, octobre 09, 2004

 KillMeNow #11

So. Apparently the hits just keep on coming, even though the countdown meter to QUITTING DAY is ticking away slowly, but - thank GOD - surely.

So we had a thing last week. And it got reviewed on this online 'zine, which shall remain nameless - suffice to say that the site is pretty well known in our little country's performing circle. It was... an okay review. Some rather bizarre, almost personal attack-like comments about personages, and (what I thought to be) a rather gently blunt (but not brutal) commentary on the rest of the kids.

The kids brought it to my attention earlier this week, and I read it halfway before getting totally bored. They asked if I could pin it up on the noticeboard, and I agreed - it did mention on the top of the review that it was "Sponsored by {My Organisation Name Here}" - and hence sanctioned. I thought nothing more of it - until Someone came back to work today. Someone got mad, and Someone made my colleage take it down. She did, then 'phoned me quickly to tell me that Someone was on the warpath.

I went for lunch because I was so sian of this whole thing - sponsored by us, therefore shouldn't it be okay to put it up? Even if it wasn't sponsored or sanctioned by us, can't we just roll with the punches? But then, I'm not the Big Boss, and I'm only [my age], so what do I know?

We came back from lunch, and he was still on the rampage. I went to check my email and ohmygoshSomeoneSentAnEmailToEveryoneAboutThis. I resigned myself to a tongue-lashing for stupidity and over-helpfulness to students (why is it any wonder kids get so mad at the administration? We really do suck.) , and trudged to Someone's room to make an apology and explain. We met halfway, his face grim, but halfway into my explanation, I started tearing up because I was thinking What a miserable place to work here, this whole situation is pathetic, and I was just so tired of trying so hard to make things work around here, and not being appreciated, and that I really love the place but it doesn't love me back. [insert your own joke about youthful idealism shattering and crashing down here.] Seeing that I was looking like I was about to burst into tears (I wasn't, please, I'm made tougher), Someone must have noticed, and he chose the high road - choosing to be magnanimous and forgiving, and was all "it's alright, there, no harm done, just that I think we should have a system for putting up notices regarding my office, that's all." And then the weird factor kicked in - "It's all right, don't worry!" and he stretches his arms out for a hug. What's a girl gonna do?

So I had to hug Someone today. Does that make me a work-whore?

The good news is that (I think) this episode is over, cos he was so damn chipper the rest of the day - it was a 180deg change to be moody and in a foul temper, to smiling and being totally absolutely pleasant. If all my colleagues' moods could be switched so easily, I think I won't mind giving hugs more often. Maybe. Not sure about the total ick-factor though. Ick. Ick ick ick.

The other good news that I cling onto - this too, shall pass.

I also need to do a shout-out to Mr.BrahmsOrMessiaen's sister-in-law, who (strangely) stumbled onto my blog, and has been reading it ever since. Hello! And please, confidentiality? I need that final paycheck to pay my hostel fees.

[KillMeNow #11]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.04 { 0 comments }


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Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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