Sweets for the Sweet
After not delivering what I promised (an afternoon of pool) to a bunch of underaged kids, I allowed myself to be seduced into taking a neo-print - actually, not just a neo print, but a LOT of neo-prints. It's been a long time since I heard the high-pitched squeals of the machines, screaming out what could be Japanese obscenities for all I know. Four sweet dears allowed me to be part of their world for an afternoon, and helped me regress about 6 years (I'm not that old okay!) back to the time when neo-prints first took our country by storm.
I remember those machines were simple - they would take three shots - you could reject or accept the first or the second, but if you got to the third, you would HAVE to accept it. It would cost $4 for four teeny tiny stickers, and what you see is what you get - the picture and nothing more. Now there's bells and whistles and ring-a-ding-a-longs and rin-tin-tins that you can add: backgrounds, stars, bubbles, write stuff, even add hair (like paper dolls) or smoothen your complexion. This all to be done within the time limit of course, which isn't really helped by the extremely heart-thumping music that the machines blare out.
But these girls were like vin Diesel: fast and furious. Once the camera flashes were done, out the door they went. Grabbing the magnetic pens (there were two provided), excessive colouring and decorations furiously began. There were 5 of us, so obviously there was some dispute over what should be placed where, but not much because of the abovementioned clock ticker counting down the seconds before we had to accept the pictures as they stood. The result of an afternoon's fun:
 Aren't they all pretty? This picture got chosen to be put up here because I like the way that Claire did the names - and the way my face is obscured. Hides the wrinkles that show up beside these young punks. I think we should use this print to lure unsuspecting guys into our church: whaddya say, girls? Wanna be pin-ups? Could be an idea... I could suggest it at the next prayer meeting... of course, Pastor would so kill me. Maybe I could balance it out with some other arr-glee pictures of gastronomic delight, such as that which took place in Bugis Junction's Swensons:

Yummy! Food! Eat!

Couldn't catch these two princesses in a candid enough pose, unlike Ms Char... 
... who looks absolutely pissed off that she's come to the end of her banana spilt.
Mind you, Swensons was after gorging ourselves at Prinsep Street's Cafe Cartel (which belongs to the Four Seasons' stable of food and hospitality places, I discovered that day), a mad run to Ikea to get some photo frames for me, and a failed attempt to collect a free sundae at Amiran's Cafe, which has karma and all sorts of bad stuff against it, so I think it'll close after it's broken even its fixed costs. And all this was after an early morning where I was leading worship in church. Is it any wonder I'm zapped before 12mn? Phew.
[Sweets for the Sweet]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.10.04 { 0 comments }
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