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samedi, novembre 27, 2004


The Children's Enrichment Camp (aka Vacation Bible Camp, aka Rickshaw Rally Racing To The Sun) is finally over! I had some kind of a weird cramp attack this morning - I was supposed to lead worship (with hand actions and jumping around and face contortions) but suddenly had cramps - not only could I not stand up, but I could not sit and bend over either - this attack had me curled up in the foetal position on the floor.

this sight would have you curled up in a ball in a corner too.

As a result, I was reduced to lying on the floor of the cry room (where I really felt like crying), and between groaning and praying really hard for the pain to just STOP, I was listening to the muffled sounds of Uncle Yew Leong leading the kids in worship. I think I sort of fell-asleep + passed-out halfway during the worship from the pain - it was hurting really badly in my stomach and my lower back, which is strange because menstrual cramps don't really work that way. Anyhow, reduced to a groaning lump of lard at 830am in the morning is not a particularly good way to start the day.

Xiao Ding Dang saying Konnichiwa!

Anyhow, after a bit of a snooze and pass-out, I got up and had to start decorating the main sanctuary by cannibalising every classroom's decor. It was tough with my tummy still not feeling too good, but better than the morning's attack. Unfortunately, that meant that in my weakened state, I could not wield totalitarian control over what I wanted to do with the decor of the place, so there was some things which were done without consulting me (how dare they!) *outrage*

Samuel (kor-kor) and Joel (kor-kor) registering the P4 kids on the first day

I am, thankfully, only half-kidding. We all managed to pool our brains together to figure out how to decorate the hall without too much fuss, and I'm proud to say that it didn't look half bad. When the parents came, I figured that they were more interested in watching out for their darlings and their sweetie-pies than watching out for the decor.

The theme banner in action!

The final day's programme was such a mess - information communication in this camp has been a total bitch - in fact, it has been an almost total blackout. Some people were not told this nor that, and people keep asking me things which make me go "I don't know," which is kind of stupid sounding after a while. When the words "I don't know" come out of your lips at almost every single question people ask, it's not too good - and when you don't even know who might be the one who would have the answers, that's just plain bad.

My rickshaw on stage in action.

Front profile of rickshaw, with Godzilla in front, and two neo-pet lanterns

Side profile of rickshaw

backish-side profile of rickshaw

Ms Vera Sng on the first day of camp

But what the hey, it's over, with me eating a copious amount of Strepsils, drinking a LOT of water, passing out on the floor, losing my voice on Thursday, and me learning how to interact and crowd-control children, I'd say it was a pretty full and interesting week.

Sngs Alumni @ 27.11.04 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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