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mercredi, novembre 24, 2004

 Rickshaw Rally: Day 1

Things are getting busier and busier! Day 1 of the kid's camp is finally here, (and I'm so busy I'm gonna plagarise myself.)

As a result of the songs, I've got a tune stuck in my head - it's the one that goes "Life without Jesus is like a donut, there's a hole in the middle of your heart", which is really catchy, but it's in my head on repeat, so maybe not.

I've also discovered that it is possible to perspire in an air-conditioned room while doing children's song routines, found out that sometimes admin slips do happen, like when kids sign up and pay up, their names may still sometimes not appear on the master registration list, that electronic piano pedals should not be plugged into the "output" channel, or the piano will not work, and also...- lost a lot of my voice. I'll probably lose it wholly on the penultimate day, which might be interesting as the 4th day (last day) is the concert.

What's the big deal about the voice? Other than the fact that I LOVE TO HEAR MYSELF TALK, I'm also in the music iwai (which means "Celebration" in Japanese.) This means singing for morning and evening worship, as well as teach FIVE rotations of classes each day! That's a lot of singing and actions. Jane Fonda, eat your heart out - the workout that I got today was amazing.

Oh, and I love Power 98. There was a screwup with the Budak Pantai tickets which I sent my poor parents to go watch since I was in Japan, and they didn't manage to collect it. (They salvaged the evening by getting tickets to watch another concert I think.) Anyhoooo, to cut a long story short (I told you I love to hear myself talk; I think perhaps I love to hear myself type too), I was offered compensation! Two tickets to watch Bridget Jones' Diary 2 - so I watched it tonight. Fantastic stuff there - the free tickets, I mean, not the movie, which was sort of blah-blah. I caught myself at least three times during the show wondering why I wasn't laughing so much - or at all. The jokes were okay, the punchlines fell rather flat, and I felt the soul of the first book/movie wasn't captured and engaged. Mark's side of the story wasn't told, and there doesn't seem to be anything positive about Bridget that would attract anyone, much less Mark (or Hugh Grant, who is absolutely WICKED in this role.) Ms Char (Jie Jie!) got to be the lucky receipient of The Other Ticket.

Blah-blah-blah review aside, it's worth a watch.

[Rickshaw Rally: Day 1]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.11.04 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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