Car Accident!
Here I am, minding my own business, driving at a moderate speed, and this guy decides to jump out of his turning lane at Sin Min and right smack into yours truly, who is driving on a go-straight-only lane. Brilliant.
I get that the junction is tricky - you find yourself in it, and you panic because you want to go straight, not turn right (even though the turn is very easily reversible), but if you want to do something funky with the car, shouldn't you wait till the road is totally completely clear first? And check your blind spot?
Thank God that:
1) I wasn't hurt - the impact was taken fully on the driver's seat, and I could have been superbly badly injured.
2) I wasn't going too fast - had I been speeding, it would have been even more nasty - I'm pretty sure that the tire would have given out since the hubcap was kind of smashed in, and the driver's seat would have been crushed in more, and glass might have shattered and blood shed.
3) It happened close to home, on familiar terrain - so I knew at once where I was and what to do (call mom, of course.)
So again, my worthless, worthless life is spared by God for some inexplicable reason. The Jer 29:11 in my life will begin to uncover itself sometime soon, methinks.
NEW - Pictures:
Pieces of the hubcap were strewn quite a distance away
The front of the driver's seat took a lot of damage -
I couldn't open the front door and had to crawl in from the passenger's seat
Again, the damage wasn't too great because I wasn't going fast, maybe 60km/h. Don't speed, people!
[Car Accident!]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.12.04 { 0 comments }