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mardi, décembre 14, 2004

 Christmas, I just can't get it on

I've been pressured by the Christmas play for as long as I can remember. (Well, about two months now.) And now that timing is crucial, I find myself still stuck in a rut and unable to get my engine going. And when I get the engine going, it's like the wheels are simply churning the mud and not getting anywhere. Which, safe to say, simply sucks.

I think the not-working thing is finally getting to me.

We've got three scenes to film, and I've already completed two on Sunday - and let it be said that Chris Columbus is a very amazing man to be able to have shot not one, but two Harry Potter films with so many kids running around. I had two hours of filming one scene with five kids, and it.was.tiring. It's not that the kids aren't great, it's just that they get so wrapped up in the role-playing that they end up NOT role-playing at all. The scene which we shot was a typical bully-extorting-money scene, and one kid got very whiney that he didn't get picked to be the big gangster. We had already "promoted" him from being a victim to being the bully's right-hand man, but he still wasn't happy. (Can you say "DIVA"?) Then there was this other kid who kept on saying "I don't want to do this one, give (the role) to A or B," so in the end, frustrated that he didn't want the lines, I wound up giving the role to another kid, and I told this other kid that he could go off. He went off for 2 minutes, then came to sit down as we ran lines with the other kid, and then he looked at me and said (infuriatingly innocently) "Me leh?"

Of course I want to strangle him. (Have you MET me?)

The latter scene (scene 3) was a total hoot to shoot. It was with Shixuan and Ben, and anything with two people of that sort of character calibre will be magic. Totally different from shooting with the kids (which had a real possibility of ending up becoming just plain "shooting the kids"), Shixuan blew me away with her ability to memorise this whole chunk of script and regurgitate it wholesale - it must be all that O-level training, but damn, she was good. Due to their marvellous acting, we now have three location options for their scene - one on the steps leading to the church sanctuary, one outside the church, the other (my favourite one) is in the lift. I think I'll get Andy/Eddie to grab the lift images, I think they're the most novel.

Apart from the filming, there have been quite a number of hiccups in the planning which make me want to tear my eyes out and scream. One example just happened - my mom came down from her shower, and then asked me "Can you come and save the choir also?" - a reference to our far-from-stellar church performing group (which is really, really, really bad.) I looked up at her in confusion, and said "But the choir's not performing for Christmas." She (in disdain) "How do you know?" Me (in smug disbelief, if one can pull that off) "Because I'm the director of the play that's to be put up, and I didn't order the choir." (Commence hair-tearing now.)

Contrary to popular belief, I did not ask to be in charge. I did not vote myself into the camp. I did not want to be the go-to person on this. I wanted to have a nice, relaxing Christmas preparing for my new semester in a brand new school, located far, far away from civilisation. Now I'm stressed because I am coming to HATE the whole entire programme, which really sucks because I love Christmastime, I love the campy stuff that goes on in Orchard Road, I love the fake snow/bubbles that some shopping centres have that billow out on the street (see Tanglin Mall this year), I love the stupid swaying Christmas trees at the box junction outside The Heeren. If I pushed myself, I could almost say that I love the absolutely, completely obscene Christmas tree outside Borders. I do not want to start hating it all. But this programme, and the way that I'm procrastinating doing anything about it, is pissing me off, and there's not a damned thing that I can do.

It's a good thing Sunday rolled around, and Adeline basically geared me up to do the filming because I was liable to just sit on my fat ass and not do anything about anything. Last week, I took the script and screamed "I don't want to do this!" at it and threw it at the wall.

(Yes, I need help.)

[Christmas, I just can't get it on]
Sngs Alumni @ 14.12.04 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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