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mercredi, décembre 01, 2004

 Church Decor: Day 1 and 2

I've been spending a lot of time in church doing all sorts of stuff - this week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are devoted to decorating the church for Christmas, which is taking a lot more effort than I thought - mainly because I thought that Esther had it all worked out already. I didn't know that her workforce was mainly teenage kids who need slightly more supervision when it comes to arts and crafts.

It's been rather tricky to work around the new church facade. For one, there are almost no strong hooks or holds that we can use to string things up. The authorities have disallowed any form of nailing or permanent hooks anywhere in the building - although no one knows who exactly made the decision. This has resulted in some ingenuity on our part. We wanted to have a lovely curtain of stars and sparkles fall from somewhere. Not in the sanctuary? Then we put them out in the foyer, draping over the 2nd floor railing to the first floor. Voila! Instant Britney Spears like gypsy curtain - but in white, and much, much prettier. Nowhere to hang banners? We're going to hang shorter banners between lights - using the lights as bracing of course. (If they fall, then they should know that we actually NEED permanent hooks and bracing somewhere, or we'll just continue using stuff which shouldn't be used as bracing. Just now I just threw a bundle of parcel string over the roof to the ground floor to see just exactly how long we had to make the two strands of stars we were planning to drape in front of the church facade - and the bundle landed in a tree. In a neighbouring condominium. Should the Yankees sign me on or what?

I really do feel for Esther - she worked really hard on the decor for two whole days with a slew of workers, and they don't have very much to show for it. There's nothing to be done in a situation like hers I feel - only experience will tell you that certain colours will not work together, that certain cloths fall in a different way from clothes, that you have to take Singaporean weather into context when planning the exterior decor, that you have to think EVERYTHING through TWICE before you start delegating to less-than-apt workers, that you have to keep an eye on the budget, but not so close that you always end up with insufficient material - basically, you have to be OLD (rub it in) to know these things, so I guess she should be glad - this experience has shown her how youthful she is! :-) But I don't think that's too much of a comfort to her.

We'll be heading down to church again tmrw (my 13th consecutive day in church! I asked Pastor for pay today...heh) to do the decor, so if you're from TRBC and you're reading this, come on down to help - we're in the 4th floor (again) - I think that floor should be nicknamed "The Art Studio", the amount of creative work it's been seeing these couple of weeks.

[Church Decor: Day 1 and 2]
Sngs Alumni @ 1.12.04 { 0 comments }


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Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
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Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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