The Ten Songs Challenge 2004
From Amanda:
1. Open up the music player on your computer.
2. Set it to play your entire music collection.
3. Hit the “shuffle” command.
4. Tell us the title of the next ten songs that show up (with their musicians), no matter how embarrassing. That’s right, no skipping that Carpenters tune that will totally destroy your hip credibility. It’s time for total musical honesty.
5. Write it up in your blog or journal and link back to at least a couple of the other sites where you saw this.
6. If you get the same artist twice, you may skip the second (or third, or etc.) occurances. You don’t have to, but since randomness could mean you end up with a list of ten song with five artists, you can if you’d like.
1. Dear God (Daniel O Connell)
2. Be Like Jesus (Kids Song)
3. Change Me (Kids Song)
4. Fire (Babyface and Des'ree)
5. Old Rugged Cross (Daniel O Connell)
6. Jazzy B (Bhangra)
7. Stuck On You (3T)
8. Unchained Melody !!!!!!!!! (Justin Guarini)
9. Punjabi MC (Bhangra)
10. Christmas Isn't Christmas (Myra)
To my defence, I did not know that Unchained Melody (what the F?!) was residing on my computer. I reformatted my computer last month, and I didn't bother putting the songs back into my harddisk. The Bhangra ones are there because my mom is learning Bhangra Belly-Dancing (yes, NOT KIDDING YOU) and wanted me to burn songs which she downloaded onto CDs. Kids songs are there because of the Children's Enrichment Camp 2004, and the other songs are my mother's line dancing songs which she also wanted me to burn.
In fact, the only song which is legitimately "mine" is the last one - Christmas Isn't Christmas by Myra, which can be downloaded legitimately online somewhere.
I guess this social experiment is a failure in terms of determining my "street cred", but a total success in finding out what I spend my time on the computer doing.
[The Ten Songs Challenge 2004]
Sngs Alumni @ 23.12.04 { 0 comments }
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