Walking the Tightrope
Yimei said: Listening to my sister talk on the phone reminds me of what Sijie said to me during Meta. We are a very caught generation. We are caught in between. We are in transition, there are needs in the future to be met, yet we are caught in the traditions of our previous generation. I think I quite agree with this. I feel that our generation is ready and willing to go out for missions. Have many friends who are willing to offer their lives for mission work. Yet many of our parents are caught in the "my children should work to support the family" tradition. I dun quite know how to explain this properly. Being in mission work doesn't mean that we would totally leave our family behind, it means that we have to live with a contented life. God will provide, God will take care of our families. And i think in future, if my children wanna go on mission work, i will give them my blessings.
I'm not sure how far I agree with this. I do think that there are more people of our generation ready and willing to go out to the mission field to serve full time, but generations will always be "caught" between the needs of the current generation and the expectation of the generation above them. I doubt that there ever was a generation so uncaring as to not want "the best" for their progeny, however misguided the notion turns out to be. I also doubt that there ever will be a generation as unselfish as to NOT want to retire in some relative comfort.
Living a contented life is not easy at all - not when everything around you is screaming that your life lack *something* (jewelry, bigger car, better house, shinier shoes, cleaner ears!) to make it complete. I guess the biggest hurdle is the faith one - how much do you need to know for sure that God's gonna be there when you walk the tightrope? Perfect Hebrews 11:1 example.
[Walking the Tightrope]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.12.04 { 0 comments }
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