How Regina from TWOP rocks the recap
By saying the obvious and making me laugh.
Okay, now…have two months passed since the end of the last season? Or has more
time passed? Or should I care? Or should I just remember that last season, the
whole timeline thing fucked us because if Syd had really been gone two years,
then it was actually 2006 instead of 2004 but since all the calendars and
everything on the show said 2004, she couldn't have been gone for two years
unless when she erased the two years from her memory, she actually
erased two years from the rest of the world? Ow. I think I sprained
something. IN MY BRAIN.
She could be Rory. RORY: Last night when I was reading my biology chapters I distinctly heard a ‘ping’ in the vicinity of my brain. LORELAI: Your brain pinged?
RORY: Yeah, it just went like ‘dink’.
LORELAI: Well then honey your brain dinked, it didn’t ping.
RORY: Well I don’t think that a dinking brain is any less worrisome than a pinging brain.
LORELAI: You got me there.
(from That Damn Donna Reed)
[How Regina from TWOP rocks the recap]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.1.05 { 0 comments }