Tsunami #1 Minor Thoughts
Everytime a huge disaster strikes, the same thought always comes to me as I watch the aftermath played out on the tv screens and in the papers - why is it that human compassion and kindness only come out when there is crisis?
Watching the crisis unfold, the ICM side of my brain recoils at the thought that a massive number among the body count could have been prevented had there been more networks present - it is inconceivable that the people who knew about the tsunami could not contact the relevant parties from the affected countries, and had to resort to contacting their own embassies within the area? Surely this sort of communiqué should be free from the political chains that shackle other types of information.
And now, hindsight is 20/20 as funds are collected and systems being set in place. A little too late, in my opinion, but better late than never seems to be the adage that will hold true for our future generations.
There will be famines and earthquakes in many places. Scary thought, but to people who say this to me, I say: not yet. The end is still to come. I think we flatter ourselves when we say that we are living in end times, giving ourselves a sense of importance. A million years pass with the blink of God's eye, so I'd say that we're living on very different schedules here. But still - therefore keep watch, because you do not know on which day your Lord will come.
[Tsunami #1 Minor Thoughts]
Sngs Alumni @ 2.1.05 { 0 comments }