Don't EVER buy fur ANYTHING. EVER.
I don't know how these people managed to film this piece without puking right in the middle. It's a French/Spanish site, but the video is probably Taiwanese or something, since they use Chinese 繁体字 within the video closed captioning itself. (This video also makes me ashamed of the chinese people I see and hear in the video - will we/they do anything under the sun?!)
In case you're on narrowband and can't download, or if you're wondering what the link is - it's an extremely gruesome video on how furs are ... gotten. I.e. how to skin a cat, a rat, and other furry rodents. They beat these animals up with baseball bats, cut off their legs (they get in the way of the skinning process), cut off their tails to start the skinning, then rip off the fur like an overcoat. And if you think that the animal's dead before this happens... you're dead wrong. The animal's probably very, very dazed and maybe (mercifully) unconscious when this process starts, but when the skin comes off... you can be sure it's in an excruciating amount of pain. There's a part at the end of one skinning that the videographer pushes in onto the carcass of the skinned animal - and IT'S STILL BREATHING. Not only that, IT LIFTS ITS SKINNED, BLOODY HEAD UP AND BLINKS, LOOKS AROUND, THEN FLOPS BACK.
I always thought that lobbyist groups like PETA were overdoing their anti-fur campaigns, but now, I think they're not doing enough.
If you think my description was exaggerating, you should click here to watch it and decide for yourself.
[Don't EVER buy fur ANYTHING. EVER.]
Sngs Alumni @ 23.4.05 { 0 comments }
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