I hate incompetence
I don't understand why there are so many people like this in the world, and why I have to keep running into them. Is God trying to teach me patience by killing me with incompetent people?
I'm currently conducting a research project on P2P file-sharing networks - you know, your Napster, Kazaa, Gnutella networks, BitTorrent, Ares etc. I really like the topic, but doing research on it is a total bitch because there is SO MUCH information to wade through, and most of it is unscholarly material - they're all from PC Magazine, Wired.com, CNet.com etc. Not that these reports aren't good - I think they are - but they're just not published in "reputable" journals, and therefore aren't really considered "serious" research.
So anyway, I worked really hard on my proposal (which I handed up on the 4th week of the semester) and the project, and this Monday, our whole class had to present what we had to do. I go into class, and the teacher comes up to me and tells me, "I don't have your research proposal, I don't think you handed it up."
Oh my goodness. You have no idea how high my blood pressure shot up when I heard that sentence. First of all, I worked damn hard on that proposal. Secondly, I presented the proposal, and then went to revise it, taking into consideration her comments after my presentation. Third of all, after I revised my proposal, I handed it up to her personally. As in I did not dump it into her mailbox. I did not shove it under her door. I went to her room, knocked on the door, said hello to her in a pleasant tone, and handed my proposal to her in person. As in the paper moved physically from my hand to hers. There was no intermediary involved. And she tells me, "I don't think you handed it up."
So, while my blood pressure shot up to the high heavens, I managed to find my voice and tell her, "I handed it up."
She says, "No, I didn't get it."
Me: "I handed it up to you in person."
She says, "But I can't find it."
Me: "I didn't drop it in your mailbox, I went to your room, knocked on the door, and handed it up to you personally."
She says, "... huh. Your name is --- ..."
Me: "Yes, I'm --- , and I handed it up to you on Wednesday, when you were in your room."
She: "Oh yes... well, I don't have it..."
Me: (giving up, she's obviously a moron with a pHd) "I'll go print out another copy for you."
She: "... I must have lost it..."
Me: (Forget it, she's a moron, just leave it alone, people like that won't ever change, just print the damned report and shove it in her mouth.)
Why do I always encounter stupid people? One day, I swear, I will go to jail because I strangled someone in a fit of stupidity-induced pique.
[I hate incompetence]
Sngs Alumni @ 8.4.05 { 0 comments }