Procrastination, I love thee
In a highly successful attempt to procrastinate doing my final term paper, I went to watch Hitch and Miss Congeniality 2 on Tuesday - two movies in a day! (This post, by the way, is a continuation of the procrastination. I really, really hate this term paper.) I really wanted to watch Hitch only, not Miss C2, but there was only one showing of Hitch, and it was at 9pm, so I figured I'd catch another movie before that, and Miss C2 it was.
I was rather surprised - checking out showed that Miss Congeniality 2 totally bombed - but really, it wasn't as bad as they made it sound. It wasn't great, but it wasn't gross either. I didn't like the premise of the movie (she decides to become the spokesperson for the CIA because Benjamin Bratt dumped her - oh, the movie takes place a mere three weeks after the first movie ended), but I got a kick out of seeing Dr Andy Brown of Everwood be the biggest jackass in Las Vegas (which just reminded me of the DVDs I want to get, and which made me sigh in the darkened theatre...sigh.) It was okay lah.
I'm not sorry I had to make it through Miss Congeniality 2 to see Hitch - what took Will Smith so long to do a romantic comedy? He rawks as a moron in love. The movie was nice and easygoing - there are only two things I can think of to gripe about:
1) The scriptwriters tanked BIG TIME when it came time to write the climatic scene, where Will Smith goes after Eva Mendes. The whole movie, they were doing so well - no overly-mushy lines, no cheese, no platitudes... and then suddenly they decided to go overboard with all of the above - and more! So poor Smith had to act, and say these horrible lines which sounded like they were ripped off... I don't know where they could have possibly ripped off the lines from, but wherever they came from, they were horrible. I was cringing all the time that Smith was talking - all the time, wincing, cringing, scrunching up my face, developing wrinkles - all because of the lousy, lazy scriptwriters! I'll say no more, except that I wish they had smoothed out that part of the script with a bulldozer because it was a doozy.
2) What happened to Eva Mendes?!? When I first saw the trailers for Hitch while watching another movie, I turned to my friend and whispered: "Will Smith looks fun, but the girl looks ugly!" And then I look at the credits, and it's Eva Mendes, who looked like this in 2 Fast 2 Furious:
 And then, Eva Mendes in Hitch:
 What happened to that pretty face? What happened to her? What? What? Someone please tell me, because I want to prevent it from happening to me. Was it just a really good camera/bad camera angle? Good light/bad light situation? Why, Eva, what happened?
The whole movie seemed to be conspiring to make Ms Mendes look gross - I mean, a first date, and she's in a wetsuit? Nobody (besides maybe Paris Hilton and Teri Hatcher) could look good in a wetsuit. For crying out loud, it's a first date, people! NOBODY (human; female) LOOKS GOOD IN A WETSUIT!
Well then. I'm off to take my prozac. Toodles.
[Procrastination, I love thee]
Sngs Alumni @ 2.4.05 { 0 comments }