I've got this important meeting tmrw, garnered in part because I sent the abstract page of a report I did to this organisation. It might turn out to be nothing, just a chat with their CEO, but it might turn out to be an offer to be part of a project, to work for them, to do something with them etc. The trouble is, the abstract page of my project is technically the school's, not mine. I say technically because all the research I do is supposed to belong to the school - even more so since I'm on scholarship.
I'm rather worried because maybe, just maybe, the school won't look very kindly upon me sending the abstract page without their permission to an external organisation. I think that if something were to come out of the meeting, it would mean good publicity for the school, but I've noted a tendency towards bureaucracy within the administration - more so than the other school that I got my B.A. from. So I'm worried that IF something were to come out of this meeting, they might ask me why I sent the abstract in the first place.
Self-glorification? A feeling that the material would be wasted if I let it rot in my pile of papers? A sense that it would be interesting that they knew about the results? Just being kaypoh and wanting to find out where I could take the research I've already done?
I don't think it's wrong that I sent the study to them - after all, I only sent the abstract to them, but maybe they won't look on it the same way. Perhaps I'm not supposed to have initiative at all in this school, and just sit quietly in my little cubicle and read books which have been pre-approved by my supervisor. I'm nervous about what could happen if they don't look kindly upon this.
Am I worrying too much?
Sngs Alumni @ 27.5.05 { 0 comments }
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