The End! ... well, almost
Finished! My 29th Star Wars book, all read within the month of June 2005. Which works out to about a book a day, proving once and for all that I, 我, moi, am trulymadlydeeply insane. I toyed with the idea of writing reviews for each book, like I did with the previous post on the SW books, but it would take up too much energy to go back and revisit the books. Plus, I have to hmmm, I don't know, get cracking on something called my thesis? But since we're here, and I am so inclined...
Darksaber is well-written, well-researched. Kevin J. Anderson makes up for the pathetic outing that was the Jedi Academy Trilogy with this novel. The empire- returns- with- yet- another- superweapon plot is predictable, so much that Anderson even makes one of his characters comment on the seemingly limitless superweapons that the Empire keeps digging up.*
And yet, despite the predictable plot, you have regular EU (extended universe) characters showing up - Admiral Daala (is she a clone too?) teams up with Vice-Admiral Pelleon and attacks Yavin IV. There are Hutts involved. Wedge and blue-skinned Qwi Xux on a Hutt-world date. Dorsk 81 teams up with Kyp Durron. Dorsk 80 and 82 die. Mara Jade bitchslaps Callista for being a total tool. Callista leaves Luke in heartbreak and disappears.
The penultimate sentence of that last paragraph was untrue.
I think the funniest event of the entire book was when the superweapon failed to work when fired for the first time. It just went something like "phut!", and drifted off, cold, into space. In the end of course, the Empire remnant is defeated (again), Luke and friends triumph (again), but now, Daala's resigned her commission and Vice-Admiral Pelleon is now ADMIRAL, setting him up for the events in Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future.
I liked how Anderson wove Yavin IV and the into the storyline.
Last three! (Promise!!! Comics only!)
*But you've got to admit, the Empire has pretty funky death weapons. First, the Death Star. Then Death Star part II. Then the Emperor himself returns as a clone. Then Thrawn - superweapon Chiss in his own right. Then the Sun Crusher. Then the Eye of Palpatine (retch.) Then Darksaber. Then the Katana Fleet. Then the Hand of Thrawn. It's a veritable library system of WMD!
[The End! ... well, almost]
Sngs Alumni @ 7.7.05 { 0 comments }
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