It's my birthday today!
 Essential Brew Quarter of a century deserves its own blog post title, methinks. And what better way to spend it than to tell you what happened at the strangely large gathering that happened on Sunday night at Essential Brew... D owns a part of this place (who knows what percentage, I just treat him like the big boss), and even though he was in Arizona at that time (on taxpayer's money, no less!) I got him to make a nebulous reservation for "maybe 20-30 people lah." Of course, the sweet dear obliged (but of course, you could argue that there was a touch of noblesse oblige in that gesture, but like a peasant, I'll take what I can get.)
 Let them have cake.
Let's see... people present. Jiaying Davina Eunice Fang Ting Huijun Jeffrey Joshua Kevin Mark Matthew Melvin Mervin Huifen Samuel Soojin Vanessa Stanley Waitat Zibing Weilong Lijie Diana Ivan Celine. 24, just one shy of D's projection of 25. Ooh, plus me, so yes - 25. (Auspicious number!)
Everyone simply sprawed out at the second storey's shopfront, playing "大风吹" as long-lost friends suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "I thought you died!" was the reigning cry of the first half and hour. (Or maybe not. Maybe it was just mine.)
 yoga divas There was an impromptu yoga session in the middle of the entire photo-taking session (Jiaying's idea, though I think she still has some way to go before she actually makes yoga master), and all around everyone had pretty good buzz - even those who were super sleepy (i.e. lychee) :)
There was cake, of course - sweet secrets, no less. Matto had quite the time trying to divide the round cake into twenty slices, but managed somehow. I just sat and stared, amazed at how quickly this gathering materialised, and how everyone managed to make a Sunday night dinner appointment possible.
All in all, a pretty good day. Thanks, guys.
[It's my birthday today!]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.7.05 { 0 comments }
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