Blog Ahoy!
Now, I don't normally publicize the blogs of people I know, but two most excellent blogs have suddenly come to my attention - for different reasons, of course, but both are worthy to be highlighted all the same.
1) Ray @ Ray went for an Eagles Communications seminar, where he met some people, then hopped on a boat to Batam (or Bali, I don't recall), and he met some other people, and then hopped on a plane to Biola University in California. So he's in Talbot now. Doing an M.A. in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. (For those of you who need the name-brand to mentally connect to the school, it's Ravi Zacharias's alma mater, according to PS.)
Justification for highlighting his blog: Because he just SUDDENLY LEFT. And many people out there DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT HE LEFT. (Like me.) (I wonder sometimes if Shirong knows.)
2) Mun @ Mun has been the end of many -mun jokes - "yo, mun, how's it hanging?", "mun-ney" (money), "muney very funny", "mun-dane", "munster", "mun-tou" (mantou) etc etc - and she has borne these remarkably bad puns with great aplomb throughout the years.
The jokes must have really tickled her funnybone too, judging from her chosen blog title.
Justification for highlighting her blog: Because its mun the munster. Who could resist?
[Blog Ahoy!]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.9.05 { 0 comments }
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