looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?

dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer

+ sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +

mercredi, septembre 21, 2005

 Time Compression

The advent of technology (all my essays invariably start with this line, or a variation of it) allows us all time to do more. When Gutenberg's printing press came along, it was the start of a new era - "Technology," they cried, "will allow us more time!" No more need to painstakingly copy every single sheet of paper out by hand, no need for penmanship skills - scribes and professional scribes and copiers could hang up their boots and sip mai tais by the Carribean. So where's my mai tai?

The point: I'm busy.

Thus this post: Compressed.

1) Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine is an interesting watch. I'm not particularly enamoured of Moore's rather confrontational style, and he definitely has a political message and agenda to push, which he doesn't do very subtly (see Farenheit 9/11 if you think I'm joking). But it's definitely something that should be included in GP classes, or just watched in your spare time. He's quite an engaging filmmaker, although he definitely leans towards sensationalism - but would you watch a documentary otherwise? I wonder if he got the guys from South Park to do the history of America cartoon segment. And I did not get that the title was a play on the phrase "gunning for Columbine" right until the end.

2) Johnny Depp is amazing. So is Freddie Highmore. I am so glad I did not watch Finding Neverland in the cinemas. I would have ruined my makeup and melted into a puddle of tears.
2a) I love UK accents. The British accent, the Scottish accent... oh, for Kate Winslet and Freddie Highmore to speak and never stop.
2b) I did not know that Freddie Highmore in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which I watched before Finding Neverland) was the same actor in Finding Neverland. He is awesome. That accent!

3) Speaking of the English, I love the Harry Potter promo poster. And I want that jacket. I want that jacket! If they're smart (and I think their merchandising units are), they'll make those jackets high-quality items and sell them at exorbitant prices to adults instead of sending them for manufacturing in China and selling them to puny kids for a buck and a half (or less, on the Chinese pirate market).

I love the jacket (what I can see of it, anyway). It looks like a Germany World Cup soccer jersey, with the yellow stripes and the stars along the sleeve. It looks long, like a trench coat. (Ahh... shades of my Mulder and Scully days...)

Unfortunately, in the other posters, Ron looks ugly with the long hair. If Rupert Grint grows up a little bit more (perhaps in about two years) and moves to America, he'll definitely be first in line to play Archie (from the comics.) And somehow, Hermione (Emma Watson) is looking more and more like Britney Spears. 'Rie tells me that the foreign import player (forgot his name) Viktor Krum from Durmstrang the other school who dates Hermione is very drool-worthy, but I've not seen any sign of him. What's his name?! (Too lazy to walk to KM's room to retrieve the book and find out.) [ETA: Ade says that Cedric Diggory's pretty cute too. But he dies, and it marks the beginning of the PhoenixPotterAngst.)

They have to de-ugly-fy and de-potterize Daniel Radcliffe soon. Or they'll have to find some way to make him less cutesy-Potter (which he grew out of a movie and a half ago) and more grown-up kind of cute. I'll tolerate the gawky-adolescent look for Goblet of Fire, but enough is enough! They should turn him into a London goth-punk for Order of the PhOEnix, given the sheer amount of bloody angst in that book. Better yet, they should just skip making Order of the PhOEnix; it was so badly written. (Ade's gonna have a fit when she sees this paragraph.)

4) Tanaka's Ghost in the Shell is excellent. I should have watched it when it first came out; watching it for the first time now makes it feel really dated. Released in 1998, it pre-dated the seminal The Matrix only by a year, which is rather interesting when you look at that whole period of history (between 1997-2001) and what particular sub-genre of computer sci-fi movies were produced.

And it's rather interesting that one of the leitmotifs grounding the show is 1 Corinthians 13:11 & 12 - "11When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.12For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." Interesting because The Matrix too, had biblical themes - Neo's death and resurrection, the city of Zion, Trinity's name, birth and rebirth, belief and unbelief, etc.

The Thirteenth Floor, another well-written sci-fi show also came out in 1999, but was just overshadowed by The Matrix, no thanks to its lack of a star cast. Similar, almost identical themes to The Matrix. Dark City also came out in 1998, starring Kiefer Sutherland. A pity that 24 didn't come out sooner - had Kiefer Sutherland's star risen earlier, the show might not have tanked as badly as it did.

5) World of Warcraft is fascinating. Not the game per se, since I don't play it and have no idea how to, but rather the way that the game has evolved, developed and spawned off new methods of dialogue and interaction. I love the graphics that they've developed (hey, the Night Elf has been my desktop since 2002 for a reason), and I'd like to do a paper on machinima actually. I JUST HAVE NO TIME. I'd actually like to start playing myself, but my brother warned me about The Abyss That Is WOW. "You won't stop lor," he told me. I'll take advice from the horse.

6) DVD-/+ writers are cool things. Three year-old laptops with two measly USB 1.0 ports are not.

7) Jamie Bell of Billy Elliot fame is truly an amazing guy to watch dance.

8) I hate not being able to read my boss's body language. I don't think he's very supportive of my choice of topic. Should I be worried? I always thought that your sup should champion your cause, but it looks like I'll have to start fighting my own wars. It's like what Colin Goh once wrote in an article I read: "Dreams are very personal creatures..." nobody can live them for you, and it is a lonely road I walk. [This is part of a bigger thought which is too long and too convoluted to even begin exploring right now.]

9) I am tired.

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[Time Compression]
Sngs Alumni @ 21.9.05 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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