Consumerist Correctness
I have many things. Many, many things. And I am thankful to God for them. I have a nifty laptop with a fairly good wireless ADSL connection, I have a nifty laptop, a printer, a scanner, a bed, a room, an iPod, at least ten pairs of shoes, a nice guitar, a hi-fi, clothes, and tons of other cool stuff.
So what if I don't have a desktop with the latest 60 inch LCD screen, the best graphics card, the fastest processor, and two terabytes of Kingston RAM? That my TV is a small CRT and has some discolouration on the top right hand corner because we accidentally put some useless decorative magnetic thing there once? That I don't have cable TV (thank God for that)? That I don't have the fastest, largest-capacity Internet cable connection? My scanner is four years old, my printer is three and a bubblejet, not a laser, my iPod's not the shuffle nor the Nano; it's just a regular iPod 20G 4th Gen - not a 40G, not a 60G, no colour screen, but it stores ALL my music and plays fine.
My shoes are all from non-brands besides one pair from Charles and Keith, which some would not even label a contender. My five-year-old hi-fi is hooked up like a terminally-ill heart patient with a non-brand discman because the five-disc changer gave up about a year back. My guitar's a Congress but sounds lovely.
Can you see how much I have? Take your consumerism and shove your face into it. Eat it up, glutton. Slap the makeup on it, put it into a shiny box, brand it, package it, then market it for 500% of its cost price. Ride your 2.5L car, go to that gym, that spa, that yoga class in town with the pretty logo, take that Atkins diet - or is that too last year - ...
So stop making me feel guilty for not wanting more. Stop making me feel that I have to want to strive for the bigger, better, faster, shinier, newer, greater. I have everything I need - AND MORE. I DON'T NEED MORE STUFF. Stop making me feel that I need to be like everybody else who has that house, that car, that watch, that brand of sunglasses. I will want, when I want, when I want to want. In the meantime, shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
Just. Shut. Up.
[Consumerist Correctness]
Sngs Alumni @ 23.10.05 { 0 comments }