Music make me lose control
Preparing for the Childrens' Camp has been taxing. Not that the workload is heavy - not that, but just that there are so many people working together with different schedules. It's hard to meet in the middle when everyone's "middle" is all over the place.
My caravan is a complete failure, and I'll have to take it down tomorrow and re-strategise (sorry SX... and thanks for your hard work.)
The music checkpoint station is only a little better. With three helpers who have assorted other things to do, and a partner who only finishes A levels on the 14th, the situation leaves very little room for error. I've just completed working out the music schedule - praise and worship every day in the morning and evening, and the rotation schedule for the actual programme itself. I wouldn't call it a mess - everything looks pretty on paper - (but then everything looks pretty on paper) - but come Day 1 of the camp and we'll know what screwed up.
I liked going through the music to find music to fit into the daily praise and worship segments though. U.YL channeled me to, and I think they're an excellent, excellent source of Christian childrens' songs. Here's my lineup:
- The Power Of Your Love (Is Changing Me)
- Sing a Song To Jesus
- I Will Lift Up The Name Of The Lord
- I Believe In You
- All Over The World (Over All)
- The Donut Song
- The Countdown! (Somewhere In Outer Space)
- I Reach Up High
- Change Me
- I'm Singing Your Praise, Lord
- Jesus Loves Me
Eleven songs, plus another five that are included as part of the VBS package that we'll be using from Lifeway Ministries.
My favourite song last year was "Over All" - slow and insightful, singing it with the hand actions really reminded me that Someone's really In Charge of the whole big party that we're having down here on earth...
Over all the oceans Over all the land Over every creature Over every man Over and above Over all in love Our God reigns in wisdom Over all This year, I think it'll be Hosanna Music's "The Power Of Your Love (Is Changing Me)". Supremely simple, the tune is catchy and works as a fast or slow song.
The power of your love is changing me Changing me, changing me O Lord, change me by the power of your love... Sometimes I wonder why adults have got to make it so complicated.
[Music make me lose control]
Sngs Alumni @ 30.10.05 { 0 comments }
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