Mom's Op: Prayer Wanted!
My mother has a growth in her throat. Currently benign, it could latch onto two arteries and start growing into a malignant piece of something, so we're kicking its butt out of her on TUESDAY.
The details: Monday - Check in and pre-tests, pre-op prep Tuesday - OPERATION Wednesday - Check out (hopefully).
Please pray: 1) That the operation will go smoothly, with NO COMPLICATIONS. 2) That Jesus will be there holding my mom's hand all the way - while she goes under the G.A., while the op goes on, while she's wheeled out, while she's recovering - all the way. 3) That the doctors will be skilled and good at what they do, performing the operation with no problem. 4) That my mom will remain calm throughout the entire procedure. 5) That my dad can take urgent leave if necessary. 6) That I will be able to be at the hospital for my mother without any problems/ complications from school. 7) That my mother will recover completely and be totally healed from this growth; that the growth will be totally, completely, removed from her system.
Thank you so much for praying.
[Mom's Op: Prayer Wanted!]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.11.05 { 0 comments }
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