Ramblin' Road Trip - Redux
While recounting the entire experience to PS today, I realised that I've not really written much about the camp that took up about a month of my life in preparation. So, just for you people who were wondering what went on while you were all mugging for exams, a few disparate thoughts on the subject:
1) Food, glorious food Amazing stuff. Imagine trying to feed about 300 people every day. Morning tea, lunch, afternoon high tea - not even the full complement for a day, but the job was massive. Massive. There were sacks of rice (1st day), racks full of eggs (1st day), tins of pinapple and sausages defrosting in the sink (pizza on the 2nd day), stacks and stacks of boxes of spaghetti (3rd day), and macaroni (3rd day for light dinner).
2) People. People. People. Everywhere, people. Children, adults. Everywhere. Spilling over. Spilling into. Spilling out. Everywhere, people. 人山人海 does not even begin to cover it.
3) Sitting still I realised last year, and re-realised this fact this year: children, even when they are sitting still, do not sit still. They wiggle about, and there's no such thing as a nice, quiet assembly of children. I was walking around trying to make sure that everyone was alright and watching the video quietly, and everyone really was, but there was a lot of fooling around (mind out of the gutter, please, they're really small kids) like hair pulling and playing scissors-paper-stone etc.
Oh, for terracotta-like silence! (see pic.)
4) The Good Samaritan (background) One person who deserves special mention (there are others, but this guy is big in my book) was Char's friend, HJ (pseudonym to protect the innocent and vulnerable.) He was in church on the last day, and happily sitting down in the nice air-conditioned sanctuary, watching us shout at the kids during rehearsal, when I caught sight of him and appointed him The Runner.
Because we're not so high-tech like the army, we don't have the cute Motorola CDMA network walkie-talkie phones to communicate movement between the sanctuary and the children's holding area. Enter The Runner. Who, well, runs up and down between the sanctuary and the holding area getting children ready for their grand entrance. Normally called the Stage Manager, but our setting was more lok-kok than The Ess-Plane-Nerd, so we need a low-class name.
I think he'll think twice about visiting next year. But he got a cool yellow t-shirt for his trouble.
5) My Music Team My. Music. Team. Is. Awesome. Jacob, Yvonne, Yeo Min, Mundino - these kids get out of town with their energy. Absolute rockers.
6) Next Year
Arctic Edge - Where Adventure Meets Courage (Joshua 1:9). Looks like it's back to the Old Testament with lots of fighting!
Pastor's right. Every year I say I'm done, but it's like a drug.
I can't wait for next year.
[Ramblin' Road Trip - Redux]
Sngs Alumni @ 6.12.05 { 0 comments }
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