Shades of Primary Four
I remember memorising five books of 唐诗 when I was in Primary Four. I've since lost the books (thin, but complete with poem illustrations), but in a fit of I-cannot-explain-what, I bought a book <<唐诗三百首>>. I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that the very first poem is a poem I remember spending a week trying memorise, to no avail (barring the first line):
鹅, 鹅, 鹅, 曲 项 向 天 歌, 白 毛 浮绿 水 , 红 掌 拨 清 波 。 ~ <<咏鹅>> 骆宾王
I recall a number of people in my class also being scolded for not being able to remember this poem beyond the first line, but seriously, who can remember the rest of the poem beyond the funky first line?
(Another thing which rather frightened me: a lot of the books beside the book which I eventually purchased were all 学前XX, like 学前成语, 学前唐诗,学前拼音 etc. I may not be the world's best authority on this subject, but really, honestly, the books were difficult! If this is what kids have to learn now, just for "学前", I really wonder what they're doing in class!
This reminds me a lot of Minister Tharman's announcement to give aid students in "catch(ing) up with their (Primary One) peers faster". Er, shouldn't Primary One be where the story begins? If kids start to play "catch up" even before school starts, there's obviously some kind of lapse in the system somewhere... catch-up classes are really only a stopgap measure, a placebo in lieu of a proper solution.)
[Shades of Primary Four]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.1.06 { 0 comments }
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