The Internet Is Useless...
"If you do write political content praising or criticising a politician outside an election period, it's not violating the PEA. But if it is during the election period, then you are subject to the laws," said Mr Siew Kum Hong, the director of Keystone Law Corporation, a law firm. "Weblogs are a democratic, timely as traditional news sources, and have a potential distribution much greater than print media." (Yang, Y. (2001, 15 Oct 2001). New Media - Blogdex ranks weblog links. The Edge.)
... at least, to Singaporeans during the general elections. No campaigning for your "favourite politician" (Today, 18 Mar 06), even if its done online, from your own pocket. You can't say anything about anyone. Actually, you can't say anything about anything.
The OB markers have GOT to expand as fast as Singaporean minds have expanded. National Computerisation Plan (1980s) - National IT Plan (1990s) - Singapore One (2000s) - Singapore 2015 (forgot the name) : it's like giving a child a really fun, useful toy, and telling him that he can't play with it because daddy says no.
[The Internet Is Useless...]
Sngs Alumni @ 18.3.06 { 0 comments }
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