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mercredi, mars 29, 2006

 Notes from the Underworld



*) Movie picked up almost immediately where Underworld I left off, even with that stupid dead lycan lying in the middle of the grand tomb-room in the vampire manor.
*) I just realised that Bill Nighy, whom I just saw in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and whom I remember from Love, Actually, is Viktor the Vampire! I wanted him to start singing "Christmas is All Around" while prancing around like a giant bat.
*) Lots of fighting and killing.
*) Kate Beckinsale is still hot.
*) There's a nice huge tanker/ship that features in the movie. In France. Nice.
*) We see Selene (not Kate B) fighting like a vampire - not just guns, but actual fistfight.
*) There actually WAS a storyline, and it actually DID make a passable attempt at explaining the backstory.
*) Character continuity exists! It does! We see Amelia, who had DIED in the previous film, appear in flashbacks. We see Kraven have vampire justice meted out to him. We see Viktor again! Excellent stuff there.

-) Not enough good fighting and killing. Violence mostly came from camera angles.
-) Weird Lycan-Vampire hybrid - what is up with that? I thought we'd get more information after we were teased with a slimy Ben... I mean, Scott Speedman in Underworld I.
-) Kate B and Scott S have no chemistry. None. NONE.
-) Which makes the gratituous sex scene even more ridiculous than it actually had to be. They went for 'tender moment between fighting for their lives', and 'cheesy scene lit with soft orange glow-lamps to show off Kate B's body'. Comparable to the random crazy orgy that occurred in Matrix Revolutions, which was passed off as "an affirmation of life amidst the uncertainty that surrounded Zion at the time". Utter bollocks.
-) Where were the UV bullets? We talked about them, we saw them, Kate B even touched them, but did we see them in action? No. What a complete waste.
-) Lame attempt to lead off with another sequel at the end.

Can-watch. (Although you should have already watched this one by now, I'm slow in catching this one.) 2 hrs.

ICE AGE 2: The Meltdown
Sneak preview available at Clementi, plus it was raining cats and dogs and donkeys when I came out from watching Underworld Evolution.

Scenario: Despite the fact that it already took an age for them to produce this movie, the ice is still melting. Our heroes, having earned a reprieve from their travails in the last movie, find themselves in the middle of an idyllic paradise - until they realise they're kind of in the middle of an ice bowl - and the bowl is starting to melt.

Of course, they run. Toward a ship that a vulture told them about (although quite honestly, why they actually trusted the word of a vulture in those circumstances I'll never understand.) I thought they'd be interesting enough to put Noah inside the movie, but I suppose that would have stepped on too many toes. Meanwhile, two creatures that look like the prehistoric version of the crocodile in Peter Pan chase them through the rising waters.

Problems come up as they run of course. They overcome them, of course. Scrat is still running after his acorn, of course.

Nothing really new about anything actually. It's not worse than the first movie (but it's not better either.) I can't accuse it of rehashing the same plot devices as the first movie either (but they didn't come up with anything particularly original anyway.)

Okay lah. Can watch on weekends without feeling too ripped off. But warning: it's only about 1 hr 20 mins.

[Notes from the Underworld]
Sngs Alumni @ 29.3.06 { 0 comments }


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