Land scarcity
 The above is a picture of complete insanity - when did I become someone who owned an easel, three plywood boards, stacks of A1 cartridge paper and compulsive buyer of strange art supplies simply to "find out what this thingymajiggy does"? I love it that it's brought me back to a dear, dear friend whom I love and who shares the same brand of insanity as me (but who's dying as a teacher) - and I'm sure that one day we will end up at Taka's Art Friend simply browsing for two hours - and then promptly move down to Kino and browse for another two. Then walk out to Coffee Club for a muddy mud pie and gossip for another two, complaining about calories all the way. (Darling, if you read this, it's a plan.) After bumping into the wall for the nth time, and in a fit of something, I thought of just throwing out my bed to make things easier to move around in my room now... Oh, for a studio (apartment!) Gah... My estate had our road paved and the sidewalks redone about half a decade ago, which we never asked for (but thank you anyway). Why not give private housing the option of upgrading our HOUSES? (Too much? Heh.)
[Land scarcity]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.4.06 { 0 comments }