This post is not about The Da Vinci Code
‘Unpunished’ defamation? In his address to the group, Amato said Christians should be more willing “to reject lies and gratuitous defamation.” He said that if “such lies and errors had been directed at the Koran or the Holocaust they would have justly provoked a world uprising.” It's true. It's always the Christians who take crap lying down, or risk being called Bible Thumpers or Preachers of Fire and Brimstone. What the hell is wrong with us? It's just simply not fair. The shift in popular opinion is related to the tides of history (recent events protecting the Koran, and just... moral dignity protecting the Holocaust), but how have we arrived at this state of affairs that we Christians dare not stand up and be counted anymore?
If one of the basic tenets of the UN Declaration of Human Rights is that everyone has the right to freedom of religion, why is it that Christians have been silencing themselves more and more on the mere issue of the facts of the religion itself? We have the right to freedom of religion, and FINE, let's set aside proselytizing for a moment. How have we ended at a situation where it is politically incorrect to defend your own religion's basic beliefs? Did anyone else feel that it was right of the Danish cartoon to run (other than the paper's flimsy freedom-of-the-press argument?) Nobody called the Muslims radicals when they got pissed off at the cartoon - so why is it somewhat shameful to profess yourself to be a Christian, as if there was something to apologise for?
: [/think]
[This post is not about The Da Vinci Code]
Sngs Alumni @ 29.4.06 { 0 comments }